>Hello list members, > >We have just spent (wasted) 3 days trying to compile Apache 2.0.36 with >zlib and mod-ssl on win2k for a critical project and we have been >unsuccessful. Thus the offer of easy money! > >We need working binaries for the config described above URGENTLY and we >are willing to pay $500 worth of real gold (www.goldmoney.com) to the >first person who can supply them to us. This gold can be redeemed for >cash anywhere in the world. > >If you want even MORE easy money, we are willing to pay a further $500 >worth of real gold to anyone who can help us to actually compile >successfully. Details of what we have done and our results are below for >those who are interested: >
I'd like to take your money, however, a US citizen should only fulfill such an order via snail mail to a physical US address (no PO box). For compiling help, I'd like to take your money for that too, but it wouldn't seem right without offering a few tips first. If you then feel compelled to pay me for the info, then by all means... :) I achieved what you want by following the same instructions you read. I did a _command-line_ build, using VS.net (60 day trial edition) on a new laptop (256mb/DVD) running XP home. Did it on D drive just to complicate things a bit. Transferred it to a dev server. Works great. Install perl. Unpack the apache source. Put awk* in the apache source folder and make sure it has been renamed awk.exe put the openssl source* in the proper place. -[apache source]\srclib\openssl put the zlib source* in the proper place. -[apache source]\srclib\zlib find vcvars32.bat and put a shortcut in your [apache source] and [openssl] directories. open a command prompt. go to your openssl directory ([apache source]\srclib\openssl) and run vcvars32.bat. run commands to compile openssl*. you can try a couple of openssl commands at the command prompt to verify compilation. go to your apache source directory (cd \[apache source]) and run vcvars32.bat. run commands to compile apache via _command-line_*. * refer to instructions here: <http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/platform/win_compiling.html > If you get a "can't find this or that" message, put a copy wherever you need it. Look in "Component Services -> Event Viewer" to see other error messages. There are other issues with using openssl on Windows, but first things first. HIH, Steve Parrish -- <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ______________________________________________________________________ Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl) www.modssl.org User Support Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Automated List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]