I am using Apache 1.3.12, mod_ssl-2.6.6-1.3.12 and openssl-0.9.5a

I am trying to create self signed certificates for my site.  The self signed 
certificate was made following the directions in the FAQ section under the 
www.modssl.org site (using the sign.sh script)

When accessing the site with MSIE I get a security alert saying that the certificate 
was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust, do I want to proceed?  Hitting 
Yes will let me into the site just fine, no problems.  If I go to View Certificate it 
warns me that the CA Root certificate is not trusted, to enable trust  install it in 
the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.  I try installing the certificate 
(both trying automatically, or manually placing it in the Trusted Root Store (both 
regestry and local computer).  It says the import has been successful, but when access 
the site again it's acting like it's never seen the certificate before.

I've tried converting it from pem to der format and loading the certificate directly 
into IE with the same results.

When I look at certificates installed in IE they end up being in the Intermediate 
Certification Authorities, not the Trusted Root even though I am telling IE to install 
it to the trustedd Root Store.

What am I doing wrong?  I've gone throught he archives here, and while I've found 
people with similar problems with older versions, I haven't found the solutions yet.

The certificate installs just fine in Netscape 4.75, I can access the site with no 
more prompting once it is installed in Netscape.

Any ideas?

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