Full_Name: Jan Dundacek
Version: mod_ssl-2.8.0-1.3.17
OS: Red Hat Linux 6.2
Submission from: (NULL) (

I have a problem with autentificaton based on client
certificates using FakeBasicAuth and mod_auth.
When I use SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN} eq "..."
instead of mod_auth, it works.

1. Configuration:
AuthName Private
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/dundacek/etc/pass
require valid-user
SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth  1
SSLCACertificateFile /home/dundacek/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca.crt

2. /home/dundacek/etc/pass:

3. ssl_engine_log:
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Connection to child 0 established (server
p70u01.brn.pvt.cz:8443, client
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes of entropy
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Connection: Client IP:,
Protocol: SSLv3, Cipher: RC4-MD5 (128/128 bits)
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for
child 0 (server p70u01.brn.pvt.cz:8443)
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  JD: start
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Faking HTTP Basic Auth header:
"Authorization: Basic
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  JD: declined 6
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  JD: start
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  JD: forbidden 2
[28/Feb/2001 16:21:56 01136] [info]  Connection to child 0 closed with unclean
shutdown (server p70u01.brn.pvt.cz:8443, client

4. I added some "JD:" messages to ssl_engine_kernel.c,
   function ssl_hook_Auth:

    ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: start");
    if (   (dc->nOptions & SSL_OPT_STRICTREQUIRE)
        && (ap_table_get(r->notes, "ssl-access-forbidden") != NULL)) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: forbidden 1");
        return FORBIDDEN;
    if ((cpAL = ap_table_get(r->headers_in, "Authorization")) != NULL) {
        if (strcEQ(ap_getword(r->pool, &cpAL, ' '), "Basic")) {
            while (*cpAL == ' ' || *cpAL == '\t')
            cpAL = ap_pbase64decode(r->pool, cpAL);
            cpUN = ap_getword_nulls(r->pool, &cpAL, ':');
            cpPW = cpAL;
            if (cpUN[0] == '/' && strEQ(cpPW, "password")) {
                ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: forbidden 2");
                return FORBIDDEN;
     * We decline operation in various situations...
    if (!sc->bEnabled) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 1");
        return DECLINED;
    if (ap_ctx_get(r->connection->client->ctx, "ssl") == NULL) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 2");
        return DECLINED;
    if (!(dc->nOptions & SSL_OPT_FAKEBASICAUTH)) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 3");
        return DECLINED;
    if (r->connection->user) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 4");
        return DECLINED;
    if ((clientdn = (char *)ap_ctx_get(r->connection->client->ctx,
:dn")) == NULL) {
        ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 5");
        return DECLINED;
    ap_snprintf(b1, sizeof(b1), "%s:password", clientdn);
    ssl_util_uuencode(b2, b1, FALSE);
    ap_snprintf(b1, sizeof(b1), "Basic %s", b2);
    ap_table_set(r->headers_in, "Authorization", b1);
    ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO,
            "Faking HTTP Basic Auth header: \"Authorization: %s\"", b1);
    ssl_log(r->server, SSL_LOG_INFO, "JD: declined 6");
    return DECLINED;

5. It seems that this function is called twice and for
   the second time it returns FORBIDDEN ...

6. When I change order of mod_ssl and mod_auth in AddModule
   and type subject of client certificate and "password"
   by hand, it works. So /home/dundacek/etc/pass file
   seems to be OK.

Can you help me, please?

Thank you

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