Thanks for your replies on the Certificates subject.
Now, when I know how read the CGI environment
variables in a servlet, mod_ssl don't want to put it
in their holes.
My httpf.conf about ssl is:

SSLMutex sem
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLSessionCache none

SSLLog logs/SSL.log
SSLLogLevel info

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/my-server.cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl/my-server.key
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 1
SSLCACertificateFile conf/ssl/CABase64.cer
SSLLogLevel debug

<Location /servlets>
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData +FakeBasicAuth
Allow from

(my servlet in located in /servlets directory)

If it's usefull, the SuperSnoop servlet get's the next

Requested URL:

Request information:
prePRequest method: GET Request URI:
/servlets/SuperSnoop Request protocol: HTTP/1.1
Servlet path: /servlets/SuperSnoop Path info: <none>
Path translated: <none> Query string: <none> Content
length: <none> Content type: <none> Server name:
PANORAMIX Server port: 443 Remote user: <none> Remote
address: Remote host: rediuris6
Authorization scheme: <none> 

Request headers:
 accept-language: es
 accept: */*
 user-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01;
Windows NT)
 connection: Keep-Alive
 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate

available via HttpServletRequest.getAttribute() 
org.apache.jserv.SSL_CLIENT_DN = 
org.apache.jserv.SCRIPT_FILENAME =
org.apache.jserv.SSL_CLIENT_IDN = 
org.apache.jserv.REMOTE_PORT = 443 
org.apache.jserv.SCRIPT_NAME = /servlets/SuperSnoop 
org.apache.jserv.REQUEST_METHOD = GET 
org.apache.jserv.SERVER_PORT = 443 
org.apache.jserv.REQUEST_URI = /servlets/SuperSnoop 
org.apache.jserv.SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/1.3.9
(Win32) ApacheJServ/1.1 mod_ssl/2.4.9 OpenSSL/0.9.4 
org.apache.jserv.REMOTE_HOST = rediuris6 
org.apache.jserv.SERVER_NAME = PANORAMIX 
org.apache.jserv.DOCUMENT_ROOT = c:/archivos de
programa/apache group/apache/htdocs 
org.apache.jserv.SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 
org.apache.jserv.GATEWAY_INTERFACE = ApacheJServ/1.1 
org.apache.jserv.SERVER_SIGNATURE = 
Apache/1.3.9 Server at PANORAMIX Port 443

org.apache.jserv.JSERV_ROUTE = 
org.apache.jserv.REMOTE_ADDR = 

Response Information:/
MIME character encoding: ISO-8859-1

I have already done all posibities about the location
of the SSLOptions directive (server, virtual host,
directory), but my servlet can't read the SSL
environment variables.

That is taking me too much time and I don't know haw
to do. If someboby have an idea, please report it.

Thanks to everybody.
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