Hi everyone,

For starters, I'm not sure if I should be posting here or to Apache, but
they sort of steered me here, so I thought I'd start here at least -- if
not, please let me know. :-)

Anyway, I'm having issues with getting SSL and virtualhosts working with
Apache. Now, before you point me at the FAQ, it's not the obvious question.
What I'm trying to do is get multiple HTTPS hosts working on the same IP --
but using a wildcard SSL certificate.

My config is doing using mod_perl configuration, and I've copied it below.
Essentially, the idea is that I have a directory tree that looks like
/srv/www/<ip>/<domain-name>/[content|secure_content]/<subdomain>/ . That
way, I can just make a new directory/subdomain/etc., reload the apache
config, and it's all done and listening for me. And, since you can only have
one SSL cert per IP, I just have /srv/www/<ip>/server.crt and server.key --
and that's the certificate used for that IP (so any HTTPS vhost created for
that IP will use that certificate). You may think that's a bit weird, but
there's a few circumstances that I want to use that - for example, wildcard
certificates I can have many vhosts per IP (within the same domain), and
also other times when I don't care if it cert mismatches, I just want an SSL

Anyway, the HTTP stuff is working great, and the config *appears* to check
out OK: 

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ ] # apache2 -S
VirtualHost configuration:     is a NameVirtualHost
 default server www.non.existant.host.com
 port 80 namevhost www.non.existant.host.com
 port 80 namevhost sallaway.org (mod_perl:121)
 port 80 namevhost www.sallaway.org (mod_perl:177)    is a NameVirtualHost
 default server www.non.existant.host.com
 port 443 namevhost www.non.existant.host.com
 port 443 namevhost sallaway.org (mod_perl:1)
 port 443 namevhost www.sallaway.org (mod_perl:78)
Syntax OK

.... however when I try to reload the config file, it complains and whinges
a lot about SSL conflicts (error.log):

[warn] Init: SSL server IP/port conflict: bob.sallaway.org:443 (mod_perl:12)
vs. www.sallaway.org:443 (mod_perl:78)
[warn] Init: SSL server IP/port conflict: sallaway.org:443 (mod_perl:1) vs.
www.sallaway.org:443 (mod_perl:78)
[warn] Init: You should not use name-based virtual hosts in conjunction with

I was sort of hoping "hmmm, they're just warnings, maybe it will be OK", but
it appears not -- when I load the page, it gives me a "Connection
Interrupted" or "Action Cancelled" (pick your browser) and I get this in the

[error] [client] Invalid method in request \x80L\x01\x03

Does anyone have any ideas what I can do to fix it at all, or why it's

Thanks for your help.


relevant apache config:


  ServerName www.non.existant.host.com
  ServerName www.non.existant.host.com

  my $www_path = "/srv/www";
  my @ip_array;
  my $ip_number;
  my @subdomain_array;
  my $subdomain_name;
  my $subdomain_address;
  my $domain_name;

  for $ip (<$www_path/*>) {

    @ip_array = split /\//, "$ip";
    $ip_number = $ip_array[-1];

    for $domain (<$ip/*>) {

      for $http_subdomain (<$domain/content/*>) {

        @subdomain_array = split /\//, "$http_subdomain";
        $subdomain_name = $subdomain_array[-1];
        $subdomain_address = $subdomain_name . ".";
        $domain_name = $subdomain_array[-3];

        $subdomain_address = "" if $subdomain_name eq "_";

        push @{ $VirtualHost{"$ip_number:80"} },
          ServerName => "${subdomain_address}${domain_name}",
          DocumentRoot => "${domain}/content/${subdomain_name}",
          ServerSignature => "On",
          ErrorLog => "$domain/logs/error.log",
          CustomLog => ["$domain/logs/access.log", "virtual"],
          LogLevel => "warn",

      next if ! -e "$ip/server.crt";
      next if ! -e "$ip/server.key";

      for $https_subdomain (<$domain/secure_content/*>) {

        @subdomain_array = split /\//, "$https_subdomain";
        $subdomain_name = $subdomain_array[-1];
        $subdomain_address = $subdomain_name . ".";
        $domain_name = $subdomain_array[-3];

        $subdomain_address = "" if $subdomain_name eq "_";

        push @{ $VirtualHost{"$ip_number:443"} },
          ServerName => "${subdomain_address}${domain_name}",
          DocumentRoot => "${domain}/secure_content/${subdomain_name}",
          ServerSignature => "On",
          ErrorLog => "$domain/logs/error.log",
          CustomLog => ["$domain/logs/access.log", "virtual"],
          LogLevel => "warn",
          SSLEngine => "on",
          SSLCertificateFile => "$ip/server.crt",
          SSLCertificateKeyFile => "$ip/server.key",


ExtendedStatus On

<Location /server-status>
  SetHandler server-status
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      modssl-users@modssl.org
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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