Does anyone know about a workaround/fix for the below problem? We'd 
like to use a wildcard certificate ...

I tested the "wildcard" test-certificate offered by

The test:
I control the DNS, so I put a "*" entry in my DNS file, 
and ping tested multiple names, ie.,, etc. Everything resolves to a specific IP, which 
is a box running Linux RedHat7 with preconfigured SSL and Apache 
(comes already set up with RH7).

I generated a CSR with the command "make certreq", submitted it to, receieved a CRT, copied the CRT to the file 
/etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt, and restarted apache.


All clients connecting over SSL recieve the "non-trusted authority" 
error (this is normal for a "test" certificate).

Win98 IE5 clients report "hostname matches the certificate."
Win2K IE5 clients report "hostname does not match the certificate."
Win98 NS4.7 only reports "non-trusted authority." No mention of 
hostname match or not.
Win2K NS4.7 only reports "non-trusted authority." No mention of 
hostname match or not.

Any and all suggestions/fixes/workarounds will be greatly appreciated.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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