
i have nearly the same problem like
They do not get any answer. Hope dies last:)) Therefore i hope that
someone can give 'us' an answer, even if it is a "no, that do not work".

I'm trying to get the following szenario to work with Apache
2.0.51/OpenSSL 0.9.7d.

Client --http--> Reverse Proxy  --internal--> Forward Proxy
(ProxyRemote) --https--> Webserver

Ralf Engelschall said: "when you want to forward to a HTTPS target you
need HTTPS support in mod_proxy. That's only possible with mod_ssl
(which enhanced mod_proxy for HTTPS).  Then you can do all: Accept HTTP
and HTTPS and connect to HTTP and HTTPS targets, i.e. create gateways in
all combinations."

Is it possible that SSL-forwarding is not working when using

My logs :

[Mon Dec 13 14:14:50 2004] [debug] ssl_engine_io.c(1517): OpenSSL: I/O
error, 7 bytes expected to read on BIO#a55e90 [mem: a5b670] [Mon Dec 13
14:14:50 2004] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1793): OpenSSL:
Exit: error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A [Mon Dec 13 14:14:50 2004]
[info] SSL Proxy connect failed [Mon Dec 13 14:14:50 2004] [info]
Connection to child 1 closed with abortive shutdown(server, client [Mon Dec 13 14:14:50 2004]
[error] (20014)Error string not specified
yet: proxy: request failed to (www-cache)

My config : 

<VirtualHost serverIP:80>
ServerName intra-xy.com
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyRemote * http://proxyIP:3128
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPass / https://remoteServerIP/
ProxyPassReverse / https://remoteServerIP/ </VirtualHost>

In a test szenario where i can reach the 'remoteServer' directly
(without a proxy) it is working.

Client --http--> Reverse Proxy  --https--> Webserver

Sh*t, that the remoteServer is only reachable via proxy :)

Hope you can help me,
thanks in advance, Leif
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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