I've dredged through the archives, but can't find a reference to the problem
I'm having.

I've got the standard reverse proxy setup going with client connections via
SSL to an apache server that proxies pages (via proxypass) from an internal
http server.  That works fine.  I'd like to do authentication on the apache
server as well, but can't get it to work.  Here's part of the httpd.conf

ProxyPass /corporate_rd/ http://sapling/corporate_rd/
ProxyPassReverse /corporate_rd/ http://sapling/corporate_rd/

And later, in the SSL virtual host section:

<Directory proxy:http://sapling/corporate_rd/>
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/jayl/tmp/.htpasswd
AuthName 'RD'
require valid-user

When I try to load this from netscape, I get an Error 407, Proxy
Authentication Required without being prompted for a passwd.  (IE just
crashes.  :) )

What am I doing wrong?

thanks for the help,
jay lyerly

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