snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt is expired

1999-10-13 Thread tvaughan
This expired on Oct. 8th. Would a certificate-ca Makefile target be a reasonable WISHLIST item? -Tom P.S. I haven't checked the DSA variant. -- Tom Vaughan __ Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl) www.modss

[BugDB] snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt is expired (PR#310)

1999-10-20 Thread modssl-bugdb
Full_Name: Tom Vaughan Version: SNAP-19991020 OS: GNU/Linux Submission from: ( [tvaughan@rehab pkg.sslcfg]$ pwd /opt/src/mod_ssl-SNAP-19991020/pkg.sslcfg [tvaughan@rehab pkg.sslcfg]$ ../../openssl-0.9.4/apps/openssl x509 -noout -text -in snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt