Hello everybody,
I am writing this email to ask two general questions about throwing 
exceptions. Parts of them are not restricted to Perl and just 
reflect my general lack of knowledge about how to deal with 
exceptions in a professional way. So if you think "RTFM" when you 
read on, I am happy to be pointed to existing literature since at 
the moment I don't even really know what I am looking for.

1) The first question deals with how to throw exceptions properly. 
In projects which ask for a more sophisticated way than just carping 
or croaking I use Exception::Class. However, in both cases the error 
message has to be assembled when the error is thrown. I do not like 
that for three reasons. First, it makes the code to throw the 
exception long thereby drawing much attention when reading the code. 
Second, it tends to make the message texts inconsistent. Maybe I am 
too perfectionist here, but I don't like my package printing 
"Undefined variable foo." here and "Variable bar in not defined." 
there. Third a central error message definition area would make it 
easy to check if all exceptions are documented.

Therefore I would like to define my error messages in some sprintf 
format way at a central place and use these templates when the time 
has come. I have written a module Exception::Class::EasyThrow that 
does this. However, I still have not published it. The reason is 
that I have the feeling that I don't know much about how to deal 
with exceptions in general and I wonder: If everybody would have my 
problem then there should be something on the CPAN already. And if 
other people don't have my problem how do they deal with the issues 
I have mentioned above? That's my first question.

2) My second question is how thorough I should be about throwing 
exceptions. Ideally, I would think that it should not only be 
impossible that my module produces wrong results, but it should also 
be impossible to trigger an internal Perl error within my module. 
All the situations in which this would happen should be checked 
beforehand and a proper exception should be thrown. However, this 
goal raises several questions. To perform this thorough checks takes 
a lot of development time and possibly also quite some execution 
time. If I want to read in a long list of numbers, should I really 
check that also the 3972nd one passes a looks_like_number test? In 
general, should I really spend a lot of development and execution 
time on checking input that no sane user would provide? On the other 
hand, do I really want to claim to be able to anticipate every sane 
scenario that a user might come up with?
Apart from that, is it really desirable to avoid internal perl 
errors in any case? If Perl would die with "Division by 0" is it 
necessary to throw an exception a bit earlier which says "Naughty 
naughty! If I wouldn't have checked, perl would die with division by 
0 in a moment."? However, what if perl bails out much later? Then 
debugging might be much easier when the error is detected right 

I guess your answer to all these questions will be: It depends. 
However, my question is if there are any general guidelines how to 
decide what to check and what not (depending on my general security 
requirements) or do I have to perform some gut-feeling appraisal of 
efficiency vs. security?

Sorry for the long text and thank you very much for your comments,

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