On 7/22/2014 11:55 PM, Paul Bennett wrote:
I'm in the process of writing a Perl module that provides a practical
implementation of the statistics language described at
http://ashishagarwal.org/2011/10/04/pdf-type-theory/ which would
compile programs in that language to Perl objects that provide
->pdf($n), ->cdf($n), and ->rand() methods (providing the probability
density at $n, the cumulative probability for $n, and a random number
generated by a given script in that language, respectively).

Right now, I'm pondering the name Statistics::Language::BAVC (the
initials of the authors of the paper).

If anyone's got any better ideas, now's your chance to speak up.

I've just skimmed the paper. Even though they don't have a name for their own technique, it seems risky to just name it out of the blue.

Have you tried contacting the authors and asking if they've come up with a term?

I agree that Statistics::Language is probably the prefix to use for your module.


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