this discussion is getting into the details -- i guess I could
make a page for singlethreaded on Perlforge if it existed, or we
could move the discussion to rt, for instance

IMO it would be nice if RT provided an "announce" mailing list
for each queue.  It might have something like that already, with
the possiblity of receiving reports for new tickets created in
queues you have signed up for.

On Mon, 2004-08-23 at 11:33, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> Presumably generating pipes to helper tasks can be done with a module on
> CPAN? And is it really going to achieve faster non-blocking file IO on
> anything other than Unix (or Unix-a-likes) where there will be cat?
> Nicholas Clark

version 0.03 now does partial reads on large files, keeping the
handles in a per-client array for reading from when the outbuffer
for that client gets small.  I guess version 0.04 will extend 
this to programs which will get opened into pipes, and do selects
on the handles to avoid blocking, since nonblocking is not portable.

david nicol
          "Someday, everything's going to be different
                           when I paint my masterpiece."

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