I have completed a migration of the Module::Build repository from
Subversion to git.

The new repository is available publicly on github.com:

  * browse it:  http://github.com/dagolden/module-build/
  * clone it:  git://github.com/dagolden/module-build.git

I have done my best to clean up the merge/branch/tag history, but have
not bothered to clean up empty commits left over from the original
cvs2svn conversion.  If anyone sees any glaring errors please let me

I have also implemented a rudimentary "Build upload" action in the
custom inc/ModuleBuildBuilder.pm subclass.  Until something better
comes along, this supersedes previous release tools.

I hope this migration makes it easy for people to contribute to
Module-Build.  At the very least, it will make working on feature
branches much easier to manage.

I will be "closing out" the SVN repository with a pointer to the new
location shortly.


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