On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 02:58:59PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
> Hello, this request for comment is in particular aimed at those of you who use 
> databases and/or DBI with Perl.
> Thanks to a topic covered in Piers Cawley's most recent Perl 6 Summary (generic 
> Parrot code generators), I think I have finally figured out what is the standard 
> industry terminology to describe and/or use to name a new module I am making: "AST" 
> or "Abstract Syntax Tree".
> P.S.  Please CC your reply directly to my address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in addition to 
> sending it to the discussion list.
> I am writing you today to get second opinions for proposed names on my new module, 
> which I would like to register as soon as possible.
> The current working title I have, which came out of a productive RFC I did on May 
> 29th, is "SQL::ObjectModel".  I did submit that name on June 2nd to get registered; 
> it never got registered, but on the bright side it gave me time to come up with the 
> possibly better title.
> I propose something like "SQL::AST" or "SQL::AbstractSyntax" or 
> "SQL::AbstractSyntaxTree".  I like the first one best, because it is short.  Or 
> maybe "SQL::AS".

Short names are generally not good names. SQL::AbstractSyntaxTree
sounds okay, as does SQL::ObjectModel. I think SQL::ObjectModel is
a more "friendly" name.

> On a related question, after I have finished the PurePerl implementation of this 
> module, I plan to make a C library implementation, and so what would be a good name 
> for that?  In my experience, C libraries often have names like "libABC" (such as 
> libXML); might I be best to have a name like that, such as "libSQLAST".   Or would 
> it sound better without that, such as "SQLAST"?

As a counter example I offer Data::Dumper and DBI. Both come with
C and pure-perl implementations that are selected automatically.
Much simpler for the user.


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