The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Dist::Metadata DSLIP: bdpOp description: Information about a perl module distribution userid: RWSTAUNER (Randy Stauner) chapterid: 3 (Development_Support) communities:
similar: Module::Metadata CPAN::Meta CPAN::ParseDistribution rationale: =head1 DESCRIPTION This is sort of a companion to L<Module::Metadata>. It provides an interface for getting information about a distribution. This is mostly a wrapper around L<CPAN::Meta> providing an easy interface to find and load the meta file from a F<tar.gz> file. A dist can also be represented by a directory or merely a structure of data. If the dist does not contain a meta file the module will attempt to determine some of that data from the dist. enteredby: RWSTAUNER (Randy Stauner) enteredon: Sat Jun 18 00:21:08 2011 GMT The resulting entry would be: Dist:: ::Metadata bdpOp Information about a perl module distribution RWSTAUNER Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: Peek at the current permissions: