Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a

2003-09-07 Thread postmaster
The British Library's mail gateway detected virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] in attachment wicked_scr.scr of your email Thank you! from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and it was Cleaned.

Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a

2003-08-26 Thread webshield
Maine Medical Center's Internet Email Gateway detected virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] in attachment movie0045.pif from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. For your protection the attachment was Deleted.

Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a

2003-07-05 Thread postmaster
Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 MR1a on semlm-shield1, at Telelogic AB, detected virus or macro in the e-mail with subject: Re: Application, from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> that was sent to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . The type detected in the attachment: your_details.zi was: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] The

Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a

2003-06-26 Thread webshield.admin
Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 MR1a running on a KYAGENCIES server detected virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] in attachment with a message subject of Re: Movie from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and it was Deleted and Quarantined.

Virus Detected by Network Associates, Inc. Webshield SMTP V4.5 MR1a

2003-06-04 Thread postmaster
A detected virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] in attachment unknown from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and it was Deleted and Quarantined.