  I am trying to design a custom Apache module that will allow me to 
efficiently stream data over HTTP to clients. Since many clients will be 
receiving the same streamed data, I would prefer to not tie up a thread per 
client, and instead have a single thread serve a group of clients.
  Is it possible to get a single thread in Apache to simultaneously handle 
multiple requests? 
  Are there any modules you know about out there that do something like this? 
  How do I hand over the request from one thread to the other without 
request_rec getting destroyed when the first thread continues with the next 
  As you may have guessed by now I do not have a lot of experience developing 
Apache extensions, which is why the question is quite general. I would however 
be most grateful if someone could provide me some pointers/suggestions or let 
me know if what I am trying to do is impossible.
  Best regards,

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