Hi All,
I am getting a memory leak issue in Apache 2.2.8 on Red-Hat 5.0.
I tried out the following options
1)  MaxRequestPerChild settings to non zero
2)I was  allocating memory by using  apr_palloc  from the  request pool but
later I replaced to normal malloc and added a clean handler in

3)Tried out the MaxMemFree to some lower value so that apache process
consumes less memory, not sure as it is a correct approach or not?

Above changes didn't resulted any improvements.For each request there is a
substantial increase in RSS value and this memory is never returned back to
RAM it seems.I may be doing something major mistake in my module any help
would be highly appreciated.
Just curious any  issue with the ap_get_client_block() function.I am using
this function many times so can it be a problem and what is the work around
for this.
Thanks in advance.

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