I am writing an output filter that needs to record request (headers and 
POST/GET vars) and response data (status and content-length). I was planning to 
write an input filter to capture/relay the POST/GET data (via "r->notes") to an 
output filter for processing.

It seems that "mod_form" (see: http://apache.webthing.com/mod_form/) does the 
parameter processing, but comes with the following ominous caveat:
"mod_form works with GET but is largely untested under POST, and appears to 
have problems with POST and HTTP Keepalive. That will be fixed, but it's not 
currently a priority."

Q: Does anyone know if this is safe to use? Their support page lists mod_form 
as: "unlikely to represent value to you."

Q: Is there another alternative to writing my own? If not, any idea what the 
keepalive issue was?

Q:  Apache processes variables in the URL (parses into r->args) during POST 
requests, but the mod_form implementation doesn't look for r->args when 
handling POST requests. Is this disallowed/discouraged in the spec or an 
oversight in the implementation?



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