On 27.07.2010 16:26, PIPIT isnatia wrote:
Thanks for your reply.
if the source code mod_deflate, i have got it. But dependecies that is include
in mod_deflate, i have not found it.
I have sent an email on httpd-apache, but there is no response.

Please be a bit patient and more specific (there is no list "httpd-apache"). You already received one answer on the users list.

The only dependency is zlib (compression library) which is usually already contained on the target system. Its home is




----- Original Message ----
From: Rainer Jung<rainer.j...@kippdata.de>
To: modules-dev@httpd.apache.org
Cc: PIPIT isnatia<piet_im...@yahoo.co.id>
Sent: Tue, July 27, 2010 7:15:47 PM
Subject: Re: where i can find mod_deflate package?

On 27.07.2010 10:05, PIPIT isnatia wrote:
Hi all,,i'm newbie here...

I am looking for mod_deflate package, i mean all contents in mod_deflate.
i can find it?

mod_deflate is part of the Apache Web Server (version 2.0 and 2.2). You can find
download links for Apache on


The documentation is contained in the download and also available online at


You should post further related questions to the users list of the Apache Web
Server. See:




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