I've got several sites running Mono/mod_mono 2.10 under RH 5.X.
However, I am trying to build from sources on CentOS 6 and when my
first request hits mod_mono code hangs at read_data (actually

 do {
                DEBUG_PRINT (1, "read data");
                input = read_data (sock, (char *) &command, sizeof
(int32_t));    // HANGS HERE
                DEBUG_PRINT (1, "past read data");
                if (input == sizeof (int32_t)) {
                        command = INT_FROM_LE (command);
                        result = do_command (command, sock, r, &status, conf);
                DEBUG_PRINT (1, "Done command");
        } while (input == sizeof (int32_t) && result == TRUE);

Worse yet is the mod-mono-server2.exe application just starts up
taking 100% of the CPU time.

And the error log looks like:

[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] Loop
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] read data
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] in read data
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] out read data
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] past read data
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] Command received: GET_SERVER_VARIABLES (1)
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] nokeepalive: 1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] ssl-unclean-shutdown: 1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] downgrade-1.0: 1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] force-response-1.0: 1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] HTTPS: on
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] REQUEST_METHOD: GET
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] QUERY_STRING:
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] REQUEST_URI: /services-1.0/index.html
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SCRIPT_NAME: /services-1.0/index.html
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] PATH: /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_SIGNATURE:
<address>Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at Port
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_NAME: XXX.171.181.136
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_ADDR: XXX.171.181.136
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_PORT: 443
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] REMOTE_ADDR: XXX.210.205.254
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] DOCUMENT_ROOT: /www/soa/html-ssl
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_ADMIN: root@localhost
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SCRIPT_FILENAME:
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] REMOTE_PORT: 7396
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] SERVER_PORT_SECURE: True
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] Done command
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] read data
[Thu Apr 05 11:41:46 2012] [warn] in read data     // HANGS HERE

Strangely enough when I start XSP on that directory I can hit the page
just fine.  This makes me believe the problem lies in mod_mono or
something up the chain from there.
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