Summary: SIGSEGV when trying to use InputAudioQueue
                    m NRE)
    Classification: Mono
           Product: MonoTouch
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: Other
        OS/Version: Other
            Status: NEW
          Severity: Critical
          Priority: P5 - None
         Component: Runtime
          Found By: ---
           Blocker: ---

Created an attachment (id=392700)
 --> (
Project demoing bug

Description of Problem:

When calling EnqueueBuffer on an InputAudioQueue, the pasted error occurs.
Please see the AudioRecorder.cs file in the attached project.

_numAudioSamplesPerBuffer = 16384
2010-10-03 13:07:35.446 .simlauncher-4[29031:1707] AddRunningClient starting
device on non-zero client count

  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReadInt64 (intptr,int) <0x00004>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReadInt64 (intptr,int) <0x00004>
  at MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.AudioFile.PacketDescriptionFrom (int,intptr)
  at MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.InputAudioQueue.input_callback
  at (wrapper native-to-managed)

Native stacktrace:

    0   .simlauncher-4                      0x000be6a7
mono_handle_native_sigsegv + 343
    1   .simlauncher-4                      0x0000e822
mono_sigsegv_signal_handler + 313
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x98e8b1fb _sigtramp + 43
    3   ???                                 0xffffffff 0x0 + 4294967295
    4   ???                                 0x0aef81c2 0x0 + 183468482
    5   ???                                 0x0aef80bf 0x0 + 183468223
    6   ???                                 0x0aef7ec3 0x0 + 183467715
    7   ???                                 0x0aeefe8a 0x0 + 183434890
    8   AudioToolbox                        0x0073ee8e
AQCallbackReceiver_InputCallback + 302
    9   AudioToolbox                        0x006dc7a4 _XInputCallback + 260
    10  AudioToolbox                        0x006d4871 mshMIGPerform + 161
    11  CoreFoundation                      0x00d42dc4
    12  CoreFoundation                      0x00ca3737 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 +
    13  CoreFoundation                      0x00ca09c3 __CFRunLoopRun + 979
    14  CoreFoundation                      0x00ca0280 CFRunLoopRunSpecific +
    15  CoreFoundation                      0x00ca01a1 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
    16  AudioToolbox                        0x006a2580
_ZN20GenericRunLoopThread7RunLoopEv + 64
    17  AudioToolbox                        0x006bbbe9
_ZN8TRunLoopI8AQClientE5EntryEPv + 153
    18  AudioToolbox                        0x006a21f2 _ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_
+ 130
    19  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x98e5281d _pthread_start + 345
    20  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x98e526a2 thread_start + 34

Debug info from gdb:

warning: Could not find object file
"/var/folders/Ny/NyElTwhDGD8kZMqIEeLGXE+++TI/-Tmp-//ccUrVVz2.o" - no debug
information available for "template.m".

warning: .o file
Attaching to process 29031.
Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
Reading symbols for shared libraries
0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
  12                                 0x98e2515a in
semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap ()
  11                                 0x98e53066 in __semwait_signal ()
  10                                 0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
   9                                 0x98e4a9d2 in __workq_kernreturn ()
   8 "AQClient"                      0x98e3041e in read$UNIX2003 ()
   7 "WebThread"                     0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
   6                                 0x98e53066 in __semwait_signal ()
   5                                 0x98e25136 in semaphore_wait_trap ()
   4                                 0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
   3                                 0x98e4a9d2 in __workq_kernreturn ()
   2 "" 0x98e4b942 in kevent ()
*  1 ""         0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()

Thread 12 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e2515a in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap ()
#1  0x98e52ca5 in _pthread_cond_wait ()
#2  0x98e81848 in pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np ()
#3  0x00a13a4b in CAGuard::WaitFor ()
#4  0x00a15cfc in CAGuard::WaitUntil ()
#5  0x00a14022 in HP_IOThread::WorkLoop ()
#6  0x00a13bed in HP_IOThread::ThreadEntry ()
#7  0x00a13b04 in CAPThread::Entry ()
#8  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#9  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 11 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e53066 in __semwait_signal ()
#1  0x98e52d22 in _pthread_cond_wait ()
#2  0x98e549b8 in pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 ()
#3  0x006d5aa9 in CAGuard::Wait ()
#4  0x006ce83b in AQConverterManager::AQConverterThread::Run ()
#5  0x006ce681 in AQConverterManager::AQConverterThread::ConverterThreadEntry
#6  0x006a21f2 in CAPThread::Entry ()
#7  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#8  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 10 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
#1  0x98e25867 in mach_msg ()
#2  0x00d43206 in __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort ()
#3  0x00ca08b4 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#4  0x00ca0280 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#5  0x00ca01a1 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#6  0x00a26c57 in HALRunLoop::OwnThread ()
#7  0x00a13b04 in CAPThread::Entry ()
#8  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#9  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 9 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e4a9d2 in __workq_kernreturn ()
#1  0x98e4af68 in _pthread_wqthread ()
#2  0x98e4ab86 in start_wqthread ()

Thread 8 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e3041e in read$UNIX2003 ()
#1  0x000be857 in mono_handle_native_sigsegv ()
#2  0x0000e822 in mono_sigsegv_signal_handler ()
#3  <signal handler called>
#4  0x00198347 in ves_icall_System_Runtime_InteropServices_Marshal_ReadInt64 ()
#5  0x0aef81c2 in ?? ()
#6  0x0aef80bf in ?? ()
#7  0x0aef7ec3 in ?? ()
#8  0x0aeefe8a in ?? ()
#9  0x0073ee8e in AQCallbackReceiver_InputCallback ()
#10 0x006dc7a4 in _XInputCallback ()
#11 0x006d4871 in mshMIGPerform ()
#13 0x00ca3737 in __CFRunLoopDoSource1 ()
#14 0x00ca09c3 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#15 0x00ca0280 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#16 0x00ca01a1 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#17 0x006a2580 in GenericRunLoopThread::RunLoop ()
#18 0x006bbbe9 in TRunLoop<AQClient>::Entry ()
#19 0x006a21f2 in CAPThread::Entry ()
#20 0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#21 0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 7 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
#1  0x98e25867 in mach_msg ()
#2  0x00d43206 in __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort ()
#3  0x00ca08b4 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#4  0x00ca0280 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#5  0x00ca01a1 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#6  0x0624b3c3 in RunWebThread ()
#7  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#8  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 6 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e53066 in __semwait_signal ()
#1  0x98e7ec64 in nanosleep$UNIX2003 ()
#2  0x98e7eba2 in usleep$UNIX2003 ()
#3  0x00277184 in monotouch_pump_gc ()
#4  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#5  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 5 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e25136 in semaphore_wait_trap ()
#1  0x0015ae55 in finalizer_thread ()
#2  0x002034db in start_wrapper ()
#3  0x0024491a in thread_start_routine ()
#4  0x0027438f in GC_start_routine ()
#5  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#6  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 4 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
#1  0x98e25867 in mach_msg ()
#2  0x0011cc7e in mach_exception_thread ()
#3  0x98e5281d in _pthread_start ()
#4  0x98e526a2 in thread_start ()

Thread 3 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e4a9d2 in __workq_kernreturn ()
#1  0x98e4af68 in _pthread_wqthread ()
#2  0x98e4ab86 in start_wqthread ()

Thread 2 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e4b942 in kevent ()
#1  0x98e4c05c in _dispatch_mgr_invoke ()
#2  0x98e4b519 in _dispatch_queue_invoke ()
#3  0x98e4b2be in _dispatch_worker_thread2 ()
#4  0x98e4ad41 in _pthread_wqthread ()
#5  0x98e4ab86 in start_wqthread ()

Thread 1 (process 29031):
#0  0x98e250fa in mach_msg_trap ()
#1  0x98e25867 in mach_msg ()
#2  0x00d43206 in __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort ()
#3  0x00ca08b4 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#4  0x00ca0280 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#5  0x00ca01a1 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#6  0x054722c8 in GSEventRunModal ()
#7  0x0547238d in GSEventRun ()
#8  0x0199fb58 in UIApplicationMain ()
#9  0x086cc0f9 in ?? ()
#10 0x086cc032 in ?? ()
#11 0x086cb9bd in ?? ()
#12 0x086cb8f9 in ?? ()
#13 0x086cb954 in ?? ()
#14 0x0000e5e6 in mono_jit_runtime_invoke ()
#15 0x001c92e7 in mono_runtime_invoke ()
#16 0x001cafa3 in mono_runtime_exec_main ()
#17 0x001ca8c9 in mono_runtime_run_main ()
#18 0x000953cc in mono_jit_exec ()
#19 0x0027cf2a in main ()

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to
an instance of an object
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64 (intptr,int)
  at MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.AudioFile.PacketDescriptionFrom (Int32 nPackets,
IntPtr b) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.InputAudioQueue.input_callback (IntPtr userData,
IntPtr AQ, IntPtr audioQueueBuffer, MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.AudioTimeStamp*
startTime, Int32 descriptors, IntPtr inPacketDesc) [0x00000] in <filename
  at (wrapper native-to-managed)
SingersPitchTouch(29031,0xb0455000) malloc: *** error for object 0x83e9484:
incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

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