At 2006-05-24T13:55:26+0200, Ingo Maindorfer wrote:
> mtn: connecting to
> mtn: fatal: std::runtime_error: network error: select(2): Ein ungĀ³ltiges 
> Argument wurde angegeben.
> mtn:  (10022)
> The fatal means translatet: illegal argument transmittet.
> I hope it helps.

Thanks for trying that... it helps a little, but I still don't know what's
going wrong.  According to the documentation, select(2) returns 10022
(WSAEINVAL) if the timeout passed to select() is invalid, or if all three FD
sets are empty.  Looking at the code in netxx/probe_select.cxx, I don't
immediately see how either of these cases could occur...

I've placed another mtn binary at the same location, which will output some
information about the parameters we're passing to select(2) on failure.  If
you have a chance to try it, and report the results, it'd be much

Unless that output leads us somewhere, I'm running out of ideas for now...
I assume this is only occuring on this particular machine, and you don't
have a recipe to reproduce this elsewhere?  It'd obviously be a lot easier
to track down if I could reproduce it locally. :-)

Matthew Gregan                     |/
                                  /|                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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