> Infinity Interactive (the birthplace of Moose) is hiring! We have an exciting 
> and interesting Perl project happening and we need programmers who understand 
> not only Modern Perl (Moose, Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Bread::Board and more) 
> but also modern web development (REST web-services, client-side MVC, YUI, 
> HTML 5, etc) and NoSQL database technologies (MongoDB specifically, but 
> document oriented DBs in general, accompanied by interesting stuff like 
> ElasticSearch).

Excellent, where do I send my application? I have experience with all
that stuff except Bread::Board.

Evan Carroll - m...@evancarroll.com
System Lord of the Internets
web: http://www.evancarroll.com
ph: 281.901.0011

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