
Finally I've tracked it down: registering JS callbacks in Flash does not
work when the diff to which the object is added is not 

given this as file:

== Main.as ==

  package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.external.*;

    public class Main extends Sprite {

      public function Main ():void {
        ExternalInterface.addCallback("backgroundImage", backgroundImage);

      static public function backgroundImage(s:String):void{
        trace("got image in Test.as "+ s);




which you can compile easily eg using mxmlc. You should get Main.swf

Given this HTML document:

  <head> <script type="text/javascript" 
src="js/mootools-1.2.4-core-nc.js"></script> </head>


      <!-- TESTCASE 1 --!>
      <div id="div_works"></div>
      <a href="#" onclick="$('works').backgroundImage('dummy string')">works</a>


      <!-- TESTCASE 1 --!>
      <div id="div_worksnot"></div>
      <a href="#" onclick="$('worksnot').backgroundImage('dummy string')">works 

    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
          window.addEvent("domready", function(){

              // SCRIPT TESTCASE 1
              // callback works 
              var s = new Swiff("Main.swf", {'id': 'works', 'container': 
'div_works' ,'height': '100px', 'width': '300px'});

              // SCRIPT TESTCASE 2)
              // callback works not - but Flash object is displayed 
              var s = new Swiff("Main.swf", {'id': 'worksnot', 'height': 
'100px', 'width': '300px'});




you notice that everything is fine opening the document in Firefox (You
may have to set security settings or use Apache).
However when you open the same document in IE both swf elemnts are
displayed correctly but only the first one will have an exposed
backgroundImage JS function. So only the first link will trace a

This missbehaviour should be documented. I took me sevaral hours to
track it down because it was the first time that I was calling into

I don't think there is a fix because I've tried both:
  adding the tmp div created to the document before setting html to build.
  result: works. If you inject the object element somewhere else
  callbacks are gone.

        this.object = ((container) ? container.empty() : new 
Element('div')).set('html', build).firstChild;

b) additg tmp div to document after html was set to build.
  result: doesn't work at all.

Conclusion: IE is buggy (?). I can't find a workaround. So it's best to
document this bug.

== I'd like to take action ==

I'd like to improve the Mootools documentation. However I can't yet
because I need a working example for a flash CallFunction

  Swiff.remote = function(obj, fn){
          var rs = obj.CallFunction('<invoke name="' + fn + '" 
returntype="javascript">' + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments, 2) + 
          return eval(rs);

__flash__argumentsToXML is defined whenever a flash element finishes
loading. Is it the task of the programmer to define CallFunction ?
Does someone have a working implementation?

Why does the Mootools documentation give this example:

  var obj = new Swiff('myMovie.swf');
  //Alerts "This is from the .swf file!".
  alert(Swiff.remote(obj, 'myFlashFn'));

Isn't Mootools about OO? So shouldn't this be obj.remote('myFlashFn' [, args]) ?

Why doesn't the documentation tell me that I can use

  obj.myFlashFn(..) equally well? (Maybe I can't because of the 
__flash__argumentsToXML function)

So two things should be done:
a) document missbehaviour of IE
b) give an example how to implement CallFunction (?)

Have I missed something?

Marc Weber

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