I saw AVATAR tonight was was duly amazed, astounded, stupefied and totally blown away.

Yes, the script and characters could have been more original -- and if fact I had hoped Cameron would do that, much as he did with TITANIC. In fact the script and characters are totally predictable once the story gets rolling and there are no surprises. Not one. But even if these aspects are totally familiar, they are still done extremely well. For most people, given what is unfolded before their eyes in 3D is so incredible it is probably best they have *something* familiar to hang on to. The scripts lack of originality is not really the point here. The immersive cinematic experience is the point -- and James Cameron takes us to another friggin' planet teaming with alien life and almost painful beauty in a way that has never... repeat never... been done before. We all do computer graphics here and, well, you ain't never seen no computer graphics like this before, folks.

I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was quite literally like being there. Really. And Cameron gives you one grand tour -- for a full hour and a half -- before the standard cowboys and indian plot really takes over for the last half. Yep, that's right, 3 hours long and worth every minute in the cramped hard-on-my-back theater seat (and the flipping 3D glasses not fitting properly over my aviator-style prescription glasses so that I had to fuss with them a bit and readjust them fairly often). None of that mattered -- the immersive visual experience is so completely stunning.

I second the emotion of everyone who as seen it: Go see it. See it as soon as you can. Do not settle for less than the 3D version -- and go for the IMAX 3D experience if you can.

This film *is* a game-changer. Within one year... two at the most... all major films will now be released in 3D. That's what will happen, no question.

But let me emphasize that AVATAR can stand on its own as a film without the 3D effect. That probably won't be something you can say about a lot of the "3D" films they will now rush to market, but AVATAR is a stunner on the flat screen as well. I tried this tonight by simply closing one eye occasionally and watching a few minutes in "flat screen" here and there. It was still visually astounding. But the 3D immersion is so practically perfect that it makes no sense not to see it in 3D and get the full effect. You should not sit too close... or too far back. About 1/3 to 1/2 of the way from the screen and definitely sit as close to the center of screen as you can.

I cannot call this "the best film ever", at least not considering is as just another film. As "just another film", there have been many, many others -- even recently -- with more original and fully developed characters and plots. James Cameron's own TITANIC and THE ABYSS are better in those respects. But this is not just another film. It is the best 3D film and space flight/alien planet depiction ever done. It's one huge Sense of Wonder rush. It's like they finally invented light-speed space tourism for real and we all get to go.

Apparently I will have to get a set of contact lenses for use just when going to the movies from now on, so the 3D glasses will fit properly on my face.

-- JR

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