Folks-At this time I have 151 terrific listings up on eBay for auction, 
including some of the best cheesecake stills I've listed, plus some great Film 
Noir photos. All items started @ 99 cents-$1.99, and many have no bids yet. 
There should be some excellent bargains. Featured are: 3 fabulous Fox Gene 
Tierney cheesecake shots, Marie McDonald, Jane Russell, Ava Gardner, Evelyn 
Ankers, Yvonne Craig, Joi Lansing, great beefcake shots of Steve Reeves-Vince 
Edwards-Gordon Scott, plus many more. Film Noir photos include: Bogart, Eddie 
G., "The Big Heat", "Affair in Trinidad", "Double Indemnity", "Macao", "The 
Set-Up", "North by Northwest", "Spellbound", plus many more. Check out eBay 
user ID FANG1959 OR GO TO WWW.FANG1959.COM  Thanks for looking-Glenn

P.S.-Hope all of you were not terribly affected by Hurricane Sandy. This area 
is all tore up. Many of my friends and family lost their cars, homes, etc.. 
Other than power out for 5 days, I had minimal losses. I thank all of you who 
sent messages of concern. this town will recover & rebuild, just like we did 
after 9-11.

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