Thank you for opening this post. My return to ebay has been less then encouraging so far, but I am determined to come up with the right approach and merchandise before putting everything in a truck and sending it off to Bruce. I have a goal set to sell everything I own, which will take about 2 years at the rate I work, and buy a house in Mexico. Anyway, closing tonight are   BACK TO THE FUTURE ITALIAN 55x77, CAST A GIANT SHADOW,6 sheet, HAMBONE AND HILLIE, 1 sh, LENNY, 1SH, EXPERIENCIA PREATRIMONIAL, 3sh., and THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY, FULCI Italian 55x77. But, if you get the chance to click inot my future auctions, you will see some other really cool stuff! Please check out the awesome Mexican lobby cards for THIS ISLAND EARTH, and ED WOOD'S, BRIDE OF THE MONSTER! Lots of fun stuff, with a promise of some really great items to come. I am only scratching the surface of what I have to offer. If these links do not work my user name on ebay is: FLASHBACKSMEMORABILIA, formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Thank you so much!
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