Mopos -

Now Ebay is making it hard to even pay them.
They are so fat they can't even swallow my monthly payment!

I got an alert that my account was overdue and would be shut down.
(Trust me - not the phish version of this).
I talked to my personal Ebay guy and he said Ebay's billing system had a glitch.
That there was nothing they could do about it.
But that all would be okay since we could pick up the payment next month.
So no worries.
Couple days later - boom - another notice.
So I called my personal ebay guy and he said this time I needed to make a one time payment via credit card -
Then all would be okay.
He talked me through it and I did it with him on the phone for confirmation. Guess what - couple days later - boom - I just got another notice from above.
Ebay's going to put my account on hold and charge me 1.5 % this time.
(I wish this were a stupid phish I could just delete.)
Getting up early to make another call to my personal Ebay guy and raise some hell - if that is possible with them.
Jeeze - I feel like I'm dealing with the government!
Anybody run into this particular Ebay snafu?
And if so - how did you cut through the red tape to settle the issue?

Alan Adler

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