ok folks... seems like good timeing... oscar nday 2006 ....... I never
told anyone how i Found the Oscar as its like a  unbeliveable tale..

well get a coffee... this is a True story Ive changes some things like
names and exact locations But its the basic story...

Ok...... ready.......  ??   so it was a typicale day in Toledo... and I
was just getting with the day.. it ws lunchtime    I had just ordered a
Filiet -o -fish from MacDonalds  and was driving while eating my
sandwhich....  well I was stopped at a red  Light..... and as I was
taking a Bite from My filet o fish...( by the way this is No fish
story.. except i was eating a fish sandwich).....  anyway... i looked to
my right and in a window  was a collection of awards like from all kinds
of things a major wall of statues and  awards and in the midst....... I
saw Oscar.........!  My heart about stopped.... my fish sandwich fell
out of my hand tater sause was dippin all over me  and people were
beeping horns behind me as the light had changed..... now i had been by
that window for years and never saw it...1000s of times......

soo... I pull over the van.... now im a totally hyper ventalleting state
and i go in the shop.... It was a Old shop.... the man greeted me and I said
is that what i think it is???  my eyes were as big as plates by
then....  he looked starteled.... and  i said  do you?? is that?? is
this??....  like Porky pig..stuuttering allover the place....
he smiled and said.... ahhh you know..... at that point I was about
ready to pass Out then i saw the emmy.... again I say do you know what
this is??????  hes smileing almost laughing...........  then i just sat
there stareing in awe..................... then i said.... well can I
buy them are they for sale where did they come from?? ..... yada
yada..... he said well, I  never thought about it... you are the 1st to
realize  ever that they were there..

they were in clear view In a window by a street where millions could
have seen them everyday For years..... But noone imagined  it was Possible
as Logic would say nooo Im not seein a Oscar in a window two feet
away..................................this moment was like in Close
encounters of the 3rd kind when  Dreyfuss make contact......... so I
then said:  Look I have no idea how i could ever afford these or
anything but I have this business that sells movie stuff and I would
give them lots of apprecaition and care...... he said" let me think
about it...".............................days weeks pass
abouta month  later I drove by........ they were Gone!!!...... I figure
well overreacted on that he either thinks ill steal them or hes calling
Christies and selling/// I was so excited  Im surprised  i didnt pee my
pants...... Ok so we began a long telephone  call relationship where i
would ask him how we could make it happen.. like once a month 6 years...
 to which. he said  .. let me think about it........... he was a Older
guy retired and was closing his shop and moving on in life...  i had
pretty much given up hope....

then one day.... he said let me see the Hollywood  dream factory.......
well if you ever came in I would basically be all excited showing all
the formats of film the evolution of how  some people like- william
Friese Greene, Laprinze,   and all the early pioneers  made the business
of Movies.. how then Toledo made numerous Cinema  items and then the
Paper advertising.Movie posters etc..... etc... basically 100 years of
cineam in 5 mins... well 25..:) ok 1 Hour/-3 hours... of me jabbering/
anyway................ he was  a well to do educated gentleman.... and
pretty wealthy... so basically he was i guess  investigating me..........
so several years went by ... it took me 6 years before one day the phone
rang..... It was him...... he said.... Im ready to sell..............

he said i think you should have this because ive seen your passion for
the Movie industry................... we settled on a  price and

I had a Oscar and
emmy............................Now..............haveing a Oscaris like
haveing Lightning... as you can see by my latest escapades..............
actually the emmy was not as popular

but between the Oscar and this hat that a  Moper now owns..... btw....
people would gawk and get ready to smash and grab,,,,,,,,,,, so after

months  I packed them away as  they made me nervous......I think i
bought them in late 80s or mid nintys.. I forget much of it..... when I
asked him whose they were he said his Uncles.. and that the name was
like paul Drummond... But i may have it wrong.... do you ever have that
feeling when someone is talking and your on another channell.???. I
was.... all i could think is I have a Oscar and emmy oh my God..
then I became afraid becaus you think maybe he willl say aaaaahh maybe
I should keep these they were my uncles// so you  dont want to make
him change the mind....  i thought they would go to grave with me..

so....... thenI got a Divorce in 2000 dec.  and ever since i have been
regrouping...  soI decided to sell and anounced on Mopoit was for sale/

and ever since  have been trying to insure that i did have them and that
they didnt have  the plates  and that  I had bought them from a
real person..  Like Ive said... why I dont wishto devulge is I felt he
gave me a Gift by selling them based on my passion//// so its
embarraceing selling out.. like selling your blood for food. also  I
would be profiting and that may also upset him. and I dont like to  see
people nterogatted like theyve done to me like im a petty weasel. but
thats my story of how I discoved them..

to me its  symbolic about how many things are right in front of You and
are treasures in most unlikly places.........

and also dreams can happen... as i know i dont deserve the awards for
anything.. I just want to see the right thing done and if I can
make some money for these that would be well appreciated, if not man it
was a honor to just experiance all i have Ive been very blessed and
had many great things and out of this experince Mopo members keep
showing me love and thats worth.... well its Priceless. thanks Mopo
people..soo   Looks like Craig Miller, Russ Butner from ampas and the
amazeing well liked , Freeman Fisher, and maybe Rudy if he wishes to
will be My trusted advocates in La.. so Freeman let me know wher to ship
and what to do.. if  ampas will let us sell and you can get your person
to still buy  we can do it and if not we can explore other areas.

I really appreciate all the fellowship of you all. I hope I can give
back some comfort to you in time of need.

and Freeman.......... next time I have to get out a Dictionary to read
Your Big words ...I will throw a FIT!

you need to learn Tomonese... what you were trying to say was..... i was
a hard headed knuklehead. not Integralaed  or whatever that was..

well maybe Ill peek at the Oscars :)

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