*The 1,296 items of EVERY kind in eMovePoster.com's AWESOME December Major
Auction are now "live" and open for bidding
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/13.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/13.html>!I could go on and on and on
about how many wonderful (and ultra-rare) U.S. and non-U.S. posters, lobby
cards, stills, pressbooks (and so much more) are included (including tons
of great NON-movie posters of every kind), but I would SO much rather you
just go to the above link right now, because items of this quality "sell
themselves"!As is true of all our auctions, all the items in this auction
have NO reserves, NO buyers premiums, and honest condition descriptions
(especially important when buying restored items, because we honestly tell
you the pre-restoration condition as well).No matter what genres, years, or
stars you collect, you are almost certain to find a lot of posters to
interest you in this December Major Auction! This honestly is one of those
auctions that will be talked about for MANY years to come! It just contains
so MANY wonderful items!You likely have wished to see great items at
auction from a company where you don't have to "guess" at each item's true
condition, and here is your chance to do so, and with so MANY wonderful
items, there is every chance of some (or many) wonderful deals, and maybe
some outright "steals"!You should drop whatever you are doing and check
these 1,296 items of EVERY kind out right now at the above link! If you
have not yet registered, go
to https://auctions.emovieposter.com/Registration.taf
<https://auctions.emovieposter.com/Registration.taf> to sign up (we qualify
our bidders, something few auctions do, which means you will always be
bidding against real bidders who honor their bids).And if YOU are somehow
not interested in any of these items, but have friends who would be
(because they collect items like these or would find just one of interest)
then do us (and them!) a favor by helping spread the word to them before
these close!*

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