With just hours to go, many of the 597 non-U.S. posters (from 21 different countries, including a LOT of "better" titles) that I have on eBay closing TONIGHT (7/18) ARE STILL AT INSANELY LOW PRICES (400 under $20, 200 under $7, and 100 under $3! I GUARANTEE you that most of these items would be $20-$50 on any dealer's website, but you acquire them here for a fraction of that amount! Obviously, SOME of these items will get one or more additional bids, but it is a virtually certainty that a fair number will fall between the cracks and go for low prices (and some for joke prices!). But YOU can't get those great deals if you aren't bidding! AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! If you place a bunch of fairly low bids but only get one or two items, then you are sure to be happy, for you will have gotten some really good deals, and paid a very reasonable shipping cost (we only charge a sliding $5.50-$10 U.S. shipping cost, depending on the total AMOUNT you spent, not the total number of posters, so you can likely buy 10 very inexpensive posters and still only pay $5.50 U.S. shipping for all of them). Even if you place a bunch of bids and get nothing at all, you will only be out a little of your time, and no more (since this is one substantial auction of non-U.S. movie posters you don't need to travel to, or even leave your computer for!).

I know it can be difficult to look over this many items in just a few hours, but remember you can use our exclusive Current Auction Image Gallery (which is located at http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php ) which has large thumbnails of all our eBay items, and links from each item to the actual eBay auction. Best of all, this gallery is searchable! You will really find this a great benefit if you want to look at all of our items this week! You can simply browse all of our current items by viewing the images in this gallery (40 to a page, but you can set it to display 20 items to a page or up to 100 items a page, depending on the speed of your Internet connection) in our number order, or you can use our search to only see thumbnails of your specific search terms! NOTE THAT EACH ITEM IN THIS GALLERY HAS A RECENT BID PRICE LISTED, AND THE PRICES ARE UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE A DAY! THIS GALLERY CAN BE SORTED BY PRICE (high to low or low to high), WHICH IS A GREAT HELP TO THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO JUST FOCUS ON THE BEST (or least expensive) ITEMS! I urge all of you to go to our gallery this week and at least glance over all the large thumbnails, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE NO INTEREST IN BIDDING ON THESE ITEMS! Why do I say this? Because it is fun to window shop when you are looking at this well-organized gallery, especially given all the many wonderful items we are selling this week (it is likely many of them will have images you have never seen before)!

Be sure to check out these 597 non-U.S. posters (from 21 different countries, including a LOT of "better" titles) sometime before they end TONIGHT Tuesday, July 18th, starting at around 7 PM CST (either by going to http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php or by using the link from my HOME page, http://www.emovieposter.com or by finding me by my eBay user ID, emovieposter.com). We feel certain that if you purchase even one of them and then once you see how honestly we describe them and how we charge only a very reasonable shipping cost and how we send them right out promptly and well-packed, that you will declare your independence from those auction houses with the outrageous buyers premiums, the over-graded items and the outrageous shipping! Good luck on whatever you may bid on.

BRUCE HERSHENSON P.O. Box 874 West Plains, MO 65775 phone 417 256 9616, fax 417 257 6948, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], website http://www.emovieposter.com eBay user ID emovieposter.com
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