eMoviePoster.com has 3,596 auctions ending on May 25th, 27th and 30th!
These auctions contain so many varied items that at least some of them are
likely to be of great interest to virtually EVERY collector! What's in
these three sets of auctions?

Our current Tuesday auctions ending the 25th contain 1,239 3-sheets,
6-sheets, French, Italian, and Argentinean. This has a fabulous selection
of VERY rarely seen posters, with a lot of large posters that look
spectacular on your wall! Our current Thursday auctions ending the 27th
contain 684 folded one-sheets AND 650 non-U.S. posters, lobby cards, and
stills. Lots of great folded one-sheets (the most collected size) and
Australian posters, plus much more! Our Sunday auctions ending the 30th
contain 1,025 inserts, half-sheets, and smaller non-U.S. posters. These
smaller posters cost FAR less to ship, and they fit in lots of spaces in
your home where larger posters won't!

Or (for the next 2 1/2 full days, until the Tuesday auctions start to close
on the 25th) view ALL of the 3,596 current auctions in a single gallery at
http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html, which is especially valuable
if you want to search ALL of the current 3,596 auctions at once for a star,
genre, size or whatever! It is virtually a certainty that no matter what
you collect you will find items of interest in this massive supermarket
selection, and not only that, but we add a similar selection every other
week, and you can wait TWELVE full weeks to have your purchases shipped,
which saves you a fortune on combined shipping.

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