I want to let all MoPo members of the 1,037 U.S. 27" x 41" one-sheet movie posters (including a LOT of "better" titles) which I added to eBay on Tuesday April 25th starting at around 7 PM CST, as 7 day auctions, ending Tuesday night, May 2nd, starting at the same time. IF YOU ARE ONE OF OUR "REGULAR" CUSTOMERS, YOU MAY BE THINKING, "Hey! Didn't eMoviePoster.com just sell a couple of thousand one-sheets just five weeks ago?", and YOU WOULD BE RIGHT! Normally we sell folded one-sheets every two to three months, but right after we sold those one-sheets five and six weeks ago (we split them into the two halves of the alphabet) we were consigned another very large group of folded one-sheets, and since this new group contained a LOT of "better" titles, we decided to auction them right now, rather than wait a couple of months. But it will likely be two or three months until the NEXT one-sheet auction! What is in these current auctions? As stated above, this is the first part of our auctions of a lot of rare and desirable one-sheets. This week we sell the one-sheets from the first half of the alphabet, those with titles starting with "A" to "K" (the second part will run 5/2-5/9 on eBay and will contain one-sheets with titles from "L" to "Z"). Where did they come from? We were consigned a VERY large group of one-sheets from one consignor, plus we had some other one-sheets from other consignors that just missed our last sale. Because the vast majority of these posters were actually used in theaters, they show more handling wear than posters that never made it out of a poster exchange, which accounts for our greater than usual percentage of "lesser" condition posters this week. Around 43% of the posters get our "lesser" grade, which means the poster does not qualify for OUR "very good" grade (but bear in mind that OUR "very good" grade is far more harsh than almost every other seller of movie paper!). But while there are more lesser condition posters than usual, that is more than made up for by the fact that these consigned one-sheets were COMPLETELY not "picked over" prior to our receiving them! This is immediately apparent when you look over the "better" titles (you can quickly find most of these by sorting the posters by price). You'll find first release one-sheets of titles like BOOM TOWN (style D) , the great 1960s Universal DRACULA re-release, A DEBTOR TO THE LAW (1919), BOY MEETS GIRL (1938), BOOTS AND SADDLES (1937, with a great close-up of Gene Autry), FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, HOT ROD GANG, DRAGSTRIP RIOT, BARBARELLA, DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER, BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID, BULLIT, BONNIE AND CLYDE, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, DIRTY HARRY, FOXY BROWN, and on and on and on! But since every single one of these items started at just 99 cents with no reserve there will be surely many real bargains, and quite likely some outright "steals"! As of this writing (Saturday night), exactly 200 of these 1,037 items are still at their starting price of 99 cents(!), around 400 are still under $3, around 620 are under $10, and around 800 are under $20! And most of the 237 or so items that are over $20 are FAR under their "regular" retail price (the ones you could find anywhere else). And there are a HUGE percentage of items that "retail" for $25 or $50 or more which are still at just two or three dollars each! Obviously, many of these items will get one or more additional bids, but given the very large number of such items I am selling, it is a virtually certainty that a fair number will "fall between the cracks" and go for low prices (and some for "joke" prices!). Please DO remember that around 43% of the posters are in "lesser" condition, so on those please look at our super-sized images to get a good sense of their defects and then only bid on those if you can live with those defects or are willing to have them restored. You will likely find a lot of these "lesser" posters that will turn out to be really great buys in spite of their defects (and of course a fair number of the "very good or better" posters will likely sell at prices so low that they are great buys as well). But YOU can't get those great deals if you aren't bidding! AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE! If you place a bunch of fairly low bids but only get one or two items, then you are sure to be happy, for you will have gotten some really good deals, and paid a very reasonable shipping cost (we only charge $5.50 U.S. shioping for orders under $20). Even if get nothing, you will only be out a little of your time, and no more (since this is one substantial auction of movie posters you don't need to travel to, or even leave your computer for!). To make these auctions an even better deal, we give a bonus copy of one of our BEST $20 full-color auction catalogs, VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD POSTERS IV, with EVERY purchase, EVEN IF YOU SOLELY BUY ONE 99 CENT ITEM! If you don't already own this great book, then you should find any one 99 cent item to buy, and you will get both that lobby card (which you chose to bid on) and the book for just 99 cents for both!

REMEMBER THAT IN THESE AUCTIONS (as in all my online auctions), THERE ARE NO OUTRAGEOUS BUYER PREMIUMS! Other auctions charge around 20% EXTRA, for no other reason than to line their pockets with your money, and some even have a $9 minimum buyer premium, so that a $1 purchase carries a NINE HUNDRED PER CENT buyer premium!. In these auctions, what you bid is what you pay, plus a very reasonable sliding U.S. shipping chart that is based on the value of your items (almost always less than out cost to send the items to you. If you have ever bought from any other "major" auction company, you are probably still stunned by their buyer premiums and by how much "handling" fees they packed onto their shipping charges, but we never do that!

I know it can be difficult to look over this many items in just a few days, but remember you can use our exclusive Current Auction Image Gallery (which is located at http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php ) which has large thumbnails of all our eBay items, and links from each item to the actual eBay auction. Best of all, this gallery is searchable! You will really find this a great benefit if you want to look at all of our items this week! You can simply browse all of our current items by viewing the images in this gallery (40 to a page, but you can set it to display 20 items to a page or up to 100 items a page, depending on the speed of your Internet connection) in our number order, or you can use our search to only see thumbnails of your specific search terms! NOTE THAT EACH ITEM IN THIS GALLERY HAS A RECENT BID PRICE LISTED, AND THE PRICES ARE UPDATED AT LEAST ONCE A DAY! THIS GALLERY CAN BE SORTED BY PRICE (high to low or low to high), WHICH IS A GREAT HELP TO THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO JUST FOCUS ON THE BEST (or least expensive) ITEMS! I urge all of you to go to our gallery this week and at least glance over all the large thumbnails, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE NO INTEREST IN BIDDING ON THESE ITEMS! Why do I say this? Because it is fun to "window shop" when you are looking at this well-organized gallery, especially given all the many wonderful items we are selling this week (it is likely many of them will have images you have never seen before)!

WE BASE OUR U.S. SHIPPING CHARGES FOR THIS WEEK'S ITEMS solely on how much you spend, and NOT AT ALL on how many posters you buy! Whether you buy one item or ONE HUNDRED items you pay a SINGLE shipping charge based on the chart below (this is one of the ways we thank those who purchase a lot of items from us in a single week)! If you live in the U.S., you need to enclose the total amount you spent this week, plus shipping as noted below (please be aware that due to the latest rise in postal & UPS rates, we too must adjust our shipping costs (we have held our old shipping charges constant for 5 years in the face of many postal and UPS increases, but we can no longer completely absorb them). BUT NOTE THAT WE HAVE ACTUALLY SUBSTANTIALLY LOWERED OUR RATES FOR ALL ORDERS UNDER $50!):.
All U.S. orders totaling less than $20 will need to pay just $5.50 for shipping
All U.S. orders totaling $20 to $49.99 will need to pay just $7 for shipping
All U.S. orders totaling $50 to $399.99 will need to pay just $8.50 for shipping
All U.S. orders totaling $400 and over will need to pay just $10 for shipping

So once you buy any one item, every additional item you buy (or bid on) will cost little or no added shipping, if you live in the U.S., since they only cost you a little more if the added price pushes you to the next shipping bracket (and if you live outside the U.S., then the shipping won't go up by all that much if you buy several additional lobby cards, since most of the weight of the package is in the basic packaging, and extra posters add little extra weight. So if you think you will surely buy at least one of these items, then you are really being silly if you don't place a bunch of very low bids on other items, for if you get any of them you won't pay ANY extra shipping (in the U.S.) or a small amount of extra shipping (outside the U.S.). You may get to buy a bunch of items OF YOUR CHOICE for a buck or two each with little or no shipping cost, and how often does that happen to you these days?

Be sure to check out these 1,037 U.S. one-sheet movie posters sometime before they end Tuesday night, May 2nd, starting at around 7 PM CST (either by going to http://www.emovieposter.com/gallery/currentauctions.php or by using the link from my HOME page, http://www.emovieposter.com or by looking me up under my eBay user ID, emovieposter.com). Good luck on whatever you may bid on!

I AM GOING TO MAKE A SPECIAL BONUS OFFER JUST FOR MEMBERS OF MY E-MAIL CLUB (just under 3,400 members!) WHO PURCHASE AT LEAST A SET NUMBER OF THIS WEEK'S ITEMS! So if there is ANY chance at all that you might end up buying a number of items this week then you have a LOT of incentive to join the club (if you are not already a member) because I will be giving away excellent prizes to those members of the club who buy a to-be-determined number of multiple items. Why not join the club today (if you are not already a member)? You'll at most receive ONE e-mail a week, and your e-mail address is NEVER given out to anyone, and you have a great chance to win great prizes, and you can quit anytime! Just reply to this e-mail with "Sign me up in the club" in the subject line, and you will be a member!

BRUCE HERSHENSON P.O. Box 874 West Plains, MO 65775 phone 417 256 9616, fax 417 257 6948, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], website http://www.emovieposter.com eBay user ID emovieposter.com
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