I gotta agree with Doug.

"Whining and petty" is a relative thing, but when it
involves posters ... time to hunker down.


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Hey Jeff,
While things do get a bit thick around here at times with what seems like petty kvetching, remember one thing and remember it well; we are here because we are dorks. We are poster dweebs, and we are proud of it. Dorks and dweebs argue over minutiae endlessly. To do otherwise would make us normal people. Drink the Kool-Aid, baby, or take the next bus outta Jonestown.. On a more serious note...the obviously fake inserts have caused real problems in the hobby. Selling these things as original is, first of all, fraudulent and dishonest, no matter how much the perpetrators of this little scam muddy the waters with obfuscation and fake professors. (Don't ask, Jeff! You don't want to know about Professor Powers!) Secondly, the fear, uncertainty and doubt generated by this highly dubious material devalues and casts doubt as to the authenticity of inserts that are The Real Deal. I've been collecting for 44 years now, and I have pretty good judgement for a vintage poster when I hold it in my hand, look at it with my eyes, and, yes, smell it with my big nose. I really love this hobby, and while I am not terminally angst-ridden about about this whole minty white vs. printed right thing, I really, really bothers me to see my beloved hobby's skirts sullied with this crapola. By the way, if you think THIS is bitchy behavior, wait until we start discussing alternate ways to remove tape stains! You're gonna see some fur fly then, buddy! Welcome to the group, and pick up your pocket protector from Scott at the end of the week.
Greg Douglass

hey all,

im a newer mopo member...does this kind of whining and and petty arguing OVER POSTERS go on here much? how silly. sheesh. if you all want to argue, at least choose something that ultimately has some real importance.. not over whether some piece of paper is "minty white", "minty fresh", "freshly mint". this is hysterically funny and pathetic, at the same time. i am assuming most of you that engage this way are over 10 years old?

On Jun 13, 2007, at 2:04 AM, Andy Neal wrote:

You didn't reply here but you have, you don't speak for phil but you are, that all makes sense Ari. (I can see your making it up as you go along - great start) The main reason so much went off is because certain members including yourself couldn't conduct themselves in a mature manner Ari, not because i didn't let people talk, when people got insulting it was time to end the threads. There are ways of making people learn...Ridiculing and being insulting isn't one of them. RE: So don't come along now and say that anyone "ridiculed (you) for not having the experience". MANY TRIED, they all were banned. And the Minty White issue was just one. I never said (i) was the one being ridiculed, but thanks for admitting i was, RE: Many tried and were banned.......Your twisting the truth Ari, both you an I know this! You might not have any rules on your forum, but there are justified ones on mine and that is not going to change. There is obviously no point in me continuing to make peace as your not prepared to listen Ari. Your maturity has shone through once again!! It was a bad idea to try and think you might have reasoned with the whole cross-forum feud. I tried, If your not prepared to make any effort then so be it - you obviously still hold a grudge for your own wrong doing. Out of respect for MOPO and Scott, this is the last I will say on the topic Andy

    Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 19:02:03 -0700
    Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fake inserts, LAMP's reply to my question

Hi Andy, As this discussion relates to NS4 and MPF, rather than MOPO, I
    didn't reply here.
    Probably or possibly why Phil "carefully avoided" your question -
    although I don't speak for him.
If you want to join NS4, feel free (if you aren't a member
    already) and we can talk, OR if you want to let NS4 members
    rejoin MPF, then maybe.
Anyway I did reply on NS4 and here's the link: http://p103.ezboard.com/fstylecfrm2.showMessage?topicID=4101.topic Regarding the Inserts, of course there is no controversy, anyone
    who has seen one knows they are fake.
    Anyone who says otherwise owns a lot and wants to sell, OR paid
    too much for them and is in denial.
One of the main reason so much went down at MPF and why people
    left in droves or were driven out, was because you tried to
    stifle the views of people who knew, rather than learn. So don't
    come along now and say that anyone "ridiculed (you) for not
    having the experience". MANY TRIED, they all were banned. And the
    Minty White issue was just one.
One more thing, a MAKE PEACE statement aimed at just Phil and I
    is fine, but more important would be towards the many members at
    NS4 and MOPO who were banned/suspended and deleted. They are your
    target members, not a couple of grumpy Aussies.
All the best, Ari

    ----- Original Message ----
    From: Andy Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    Sent: Tuesday, 12 June, 2007 5:56:02 PM
    Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fake inserts, LAMP's reply to my question

    I can't believe we (mostly some of the other dinosaurs who graze
    here) are even having this discussion yet again about minty white
    inserts and trying to attribute credibility to them in any way,
    shape or form.
Phil, I think you are missing the point, people need educating
    not ridiculed for not having the experience or knowledge, you
    were a new movie poster collector once, remember that.... You
    carefully avoided my question earlier also.


        Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:28:55 +1000
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fake inserts, LAMP's reply to my question

        I am absolutely sure they are fake and were not produced for
        use in conjunction with exhibition of the films they
        represent - which is what real movie posters are actually
        produced for.
When these first surfaced in Australia, the Sydney movie
        poster store that was selling them tried to sell them to me
        as the real deal. Obviously, after so many years (many more
        than this joker had) handling movie paper it was obvious that
        the paper for these inserts was wrong, the printing lacked a
        certain finish and the whole thing didn't even pass a good
        sniffing test (don't all laugh.... it's still the best way to
        check a STAR WARS one sheet original!) I didn't need to start
        comparing how some of them had different art crops to
        absolutely bona fide originals.
He finally owned up they were what they were - repros, and
        that there was an inexhaustible supply of them.
This was the same dealer who confidently bought STAR WARS
        hairy belt repros and sold them for originals on the basis
        that people wouldn't know the difference. $5 each to buy, and
        sold for anything from $200 - $300 each, depending on how big
        the sucker who walked through the door was.
I can't believe we (mostly some of the other dinosaurs who
        graze here) are even having this discussion yet again about
        minty white inserts and trying to attribute credibility to
        them in any way, shape or form.
            ----- Original Message -----
            *From:* Helmut Hamm <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            *To:* MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU
            *Sent:* Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:52 AM
            *Subject:* [MOPO] Fake inserts, LAMP's reply to my question

            Please find Ed's reply to my question below.


                Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [MOPO] Fake inserts, an open
                question to LAMP]
                Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                Hi Helmut,
                I apologize for the delay in response to you. Your
                email was just forwarded to me this morning. I do not
                read or go on any of the forums anymore for several
                reasons. 1. Our workload has reached such a level
                that Sue and I are basically trying to do the work of
                a full staff. We have also taken on several court
                cases that might have an effect on the hobby which
                has us doing a massive amount of research. 2. Since
                Hurricane Katrina, I just don't have the patience for
                a lot of debates anymore. Now, lack of common sense
                sends me into a frenzy. 3. A lot of the debates on
                the forums just seem to be for the purpose of
                argument or mudslinging and I don't have the time or
                patience to get involved. ( I guess this is a
                definate sign of getting old)

                Now we tell people to just email me direct (my email
                address is everywhere on LAMP)... and I am more than
                happy to respond to any and all personal discussions
                when any type of learning (on either side) is the

                For your question about the 'minty whites'

                I am at a disadvantage on this subject because I have
                never personally handled or compared them. BUT I have
                asked several dealers that I have great respect for
                what they thought. I received an indepth answer from
                Bruce who stated that he could tell the difference
                between them in the dark.. that the feel of the paper
                was vastly different and the 'minty whites' had the
                more slick reproduction feel.

                BUT, our stance on the subject is.. that is doesn't
                matter what we think about them.... It's what the
                HOBBY thinks about them. The poster collecting hobby
                is based on pure economics. Supply and Demand. If the
                demand for them is there, then the price on them will
                rise no matter what anybody says... BUT if the hobby
                has determined that they are 'fakes' (whether they
                are or not) THEN the hobby will avoid them, they will
                not increase and re-selling will become difficult.

                Consequently the dealers or collectors in jeopardy of
                purchasing them with the intent of reselling them are
                the ones that are not informed about them OR the ones
                without enough experience to know the difference. -
                As an example, a number of years ago, we were called
                to be an expert witness for a court case involving
                Nightmare Before Christmas US one sheets. The value
                was rising rapidly and they were fetching $100 each
                or more at the time. An aggressive collector found
                Nightmare Before Christmas one sheets in the Suncoast
                retail chain for $15 marked that they were 'original
                movie posters', so he made his rounds, I believe over
                a couple of states buying up the posters. They were
                identical from the front because they came from the
                original plates but they didn't have the numbers or
                Disney tag on the back for the posters that were
                issued to the theaters. The retail chain gave his
                money back and changed the stickers on their posters.
                The point is... the HOBBY would accept these for the
                market value and it took experience and education to
                tell the difference.

                We believe the way to solve problems like this is
                through education.... Mudslinging and rock throwing
                only creates MORE mudslinging and rock throwing and
                then basically no one wins and the hobby becomes more
                split. We try to use LAMP to alert new collectors and
                dealers that the HOBBY has a problem with certain
                types of posters and if they are purchasing for
                investment, these types of posters are NOT a good

                Currently we place a note on every 'minty white' that
                has been submitted to us that there is controversy of
                that particular poster to alert them... Our tag reads
                "Caution There is a lot of controversy between
                dealers over the Jaws Insert Poster
                Some dealers say that some posters are too 'minty'
                white to be original."

                We are planning to give a stronger warning on them in
                the archive... I have a 'WARNING' section with room
                for more indepth information about each individual
                poster that is in question already programmed into
                our database.... but I haven't had the time to come
                back and do some final connections or writeups to
                turn it on.

                I hope this answers your question to show our point
                of view. If you have any others or if there's
                anything I can do for you, please let me know..


                p.s. if you want to post this, that is fine.

            Galerie filmposter.net
            Inh. Helmut Hamm
            Puecklerstr. 21
            10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
            Fon: +4930.308.249.53
            Fax: +4930.308.249.54

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