Could we also have a statistical analysis with the
sellers that do comply?

I would be interested in reviewing the standard
deviations as they apply to whatever time frames are
set for the analysis ... and while your pencil is
still sharp ... a cost / benefits analysis would also
be appreciated.

While all this info is being tabulated and properly
referenced, I'll review the Law of Diminishing

******* OR ********

Could we just ask 'ol BH for a correction /
confirmation of his statement. Maybe he was referring
to his own email club and got things mixed up.

And we can get back to a tastier "issue du jour".


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--- Begin Message ---
Ron and Phil,
Well, yeah, if someone is only selling to MOPO members with genuine FS-type 
posts... and not selling to other movie poster collectors through other venues 
like an auction site or a retail web site, then naturally there would be no 
point in sending "join MOPO" flyers out with those shipments if the only people 
you were ever shipping to were already MOPO members.
As for Phil being bewildered about this idea of sending out flyers... what, 
haven't you been paying attention, Phil? Bruce sent this list an 
out-of-the-blue question last week wondering about "Is membership in MOPO 
declining?"  Now, he was either being snide or genuinely concerned. Let's 
assume the later, as most people did, which lead to quite a few people 
expressing concern about the fact that we're down from a high of about 500 
members a year ago to about 400 now. It was pointed out that sellers who 
regularly list their items for sale on this list are the ones with "the most to 
lose" from a declining membership.
It was then suggested that rather than fiddle with the MOPO format... or 
require people to post in order to maintain membership (a real bad idea)... 
that the best thing would be to have a membership drive and the most effective 
way to bring in some new members would be for the sellers to send out "join 
MOPO" flyers with every poster they ship. To me, this seems like one of those 
really good ideas that is a no-brainer and while there is certainly no official 
requirement that sellers do this, it seems like a good thing to do. But we both 
know that as a group, sellers are a quiescent, status-quo bunch, and that if 
nobody pushes them, this will end up being just another good idea that never 
gets implemented. So I'm doing a bit of pushing for the idea to see if we can't 
get most of the sellers who regularly advertise their wares on MOPO to give 
back a little and do this easy, simple, cheap thing to bring in some new 
But, in my usual curmudgeonly fashion, I couldn't help commenting that while 
this was a great idea, that I doubted many of the sellers who regularly post FA 
messages to MOPO would bother. So far they have proven me correct, with only a 
couple of sellers publicly stating they will include flyers in their shipments. 
I'm keeping a list of those who continue to advertise here won't publicly 
commit to tucking a flyer into their packages simply as means of keeping track 
-- so I can eventually provide the inquiring minds of the public with a 
statistical analysis (one that names names merely in the interests of accuracy, 
you understand) which will prove my original contention -- that lots of sellers 
are perfectly willing to use this list to advertise on, but most of them can't 
be bothered to even do something this simple and easy to improve it.
I can be proven wrong in this contention very easily. I doubt that I will be, 
Personally, I don't think the number of members on MOPO matters at all -- but 
if the sellers are concerned about "declining membership" then there is 
something simple the sellers can do about it.
-- JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Edwards Cinemarts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 4:26
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Sellers NOT volunteering to send out Join MOPO flyers!

> Ron - I think posting direct FS to MOPO is a good idea, nothing wrong 
> with it at all.
> So long as posts are labeled as Scott has requested as FA, FS, etc, then 
> why not?
> It's direct target audience selling and if Scott as list owner doesn't 
> have a problem with it then I don't see why anyone else would. Buying, 
> selling and trading movie posters is a common denominator, isn't it?
> You can also post direct FS to the FS/FA section on NSFGE as well.
> Both Ari and myself have no problem with people who post only in the 
> FS/FA section of NSFGE and don't contribute otherwise. Like any such 
> forums it's there for people to use.
> It also has the benefit of you being able to post an image itself rather 
> than a link to an image
> and there are plenty of free pic hosting services such as Photobucket to 
> use for that. There are several dealers who regularly offer material, or 
> links to their auctions, BINs and website updates
> and never say "boo" otherwise.
> I don't think Ari and I have even ever asked each other, "uh, why don't 
> they post comments as well?"
> Both MPF and MPC have FS/FA sections to. I doubt either Andy or Erich 
> have any strict rules about requirements to post in the general chat 
> forums to offer your items for sale.
> All a pretty healthy way to do business, I'd say.
> I don't quite understand why being a MOPO member requires any sort of 
> commitment to either post to the forum itself, or include MOPO fliers or 
> MPB fliers in with sales items to demonstrate some sort of loyalty or 
> commitment... to what, exactly?
> If people want to post, they post. If they don't, they don't. If they 
> want to include fliers or info for
> MOPO or MPB they do or they don't.
> Keeping a list of who does what actually strikes me as a bit creepy, 
> frankly, and is likely to cause people to leave rather than join at all. 
> But I know JR has a fairly sardonic sense of humour, so I'm assuming his 
> comment there was an example of that rather than a serious statement of 
> intent.
> Phil Edwards
> Ron Wisberg wrote:
> > Well ever since joining MOPO and re-enjoying why I collected movie 
> > posters in the first place I've considered selling off a large portion 
> > of my collection, or perhaps consigning it. The jury isn't hung, but 
> > then again I'm Irish, when referring to hung someone should either be 
> > dead or likely embarassed.
> >  
> > I've even considered true FS posts. Yes, direct to MOPO deals. Not 
> > someone stating FS when it is really FA, and no, having all of your 
> > auctions include Buy it Nows is not an FS. I guess really as a newbie 
> > to selling I'm a little slow and reluctant to dive into any site, and 
> > if I'm surrounded by collectors, maybe a post of a few dozen 
> > reasonably priced posters would be ok.
> >  
> > Of course, I will include good photos and descriptions, to answer that 
> > argument.
> >  
> > However, to offer a flyer to my buyer(s) to join MOPO, well, it seems 
> > awfully over-the-top in a way since this is where I've found them.
> >  
> > I did puruse the NSFGE site many talk about. Honestly, I found it 
> > regularly way off topic (not even film related), and ruled by one or 
> > two mouthy individuals, one that seemed to prefer any topic that 
> > related to the flesh than to one that related to a poster that I was 
> > most turned off.
> >  
> > So I'm working on an old-fashioned Movie Collector's World styled 
> > listing that has good posters at reasonable prices, and with pictures 
> > and descriptions. With any success there will likely be many more to 
> > follow.
> >
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