----- Original Message ----- 
From: Steven F. Poole 
To: dsonesheets 
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] What is the real Dip Shit really telling us? Let me 

  Like many of us who have the "collecting bug"..... besides film posters, I 
also have an interest in another area of film memorabilia.   I collect 
autographs of vintage film stars.   My tastes are pretty broad so I have signed 
photos from such "high end" personalities as the 4 Marx Brothers to more 
obscure folks like Nils Asther (who?.....the "male Garbo" at one point in the 
late silent period of the 1920's).
    Anyway, in the world of autograph dealers, there are several organizations 
to which a dealer can belong.   It seems like everyone who has an autograph to 
sell belongs to the UACC (Universal Autograph Collectors Club) which has a code 
of ethics and a dealer listing.   There is also the more "exclusive" PADA 
(Professional Autograph Dealers Association) which "strives to promote high 
standards in business ethics, professionalism and service in the trade"....this 
from their mission statement.  Membership in PADA is by invitation of members.  
    As I became more seasoned in the hobby (and learned by mistakes with 
forgeries), I have found myself almost dealing exclusively with PADA members as 
I know that they really do stand by the material they are selling.   Both PADA 
and UACC are non-profit organizations so there is no conflict of interest in 
the membership requirements.     As many know, the world of autographs is 
fraught with fakes and both of these organizations came about historically 
because of the very issue we are dealing with in the poster hobby.
    Is it time for poster folks to form such a membership directory and 
association?   LAMP is the closest we have to this but, I know that members do 
pay for sponsorship.  I do think LAMP is a tremendous resource but I see its 
membership directory more as a paid advertisement of particular dealers.  This 
is fine, for what it is as it has served to inform me of who is out there and 
what they offer.   Yet it seems that each auction house and dealer is 
ultimately on their own to establish their policies and guarentees.    If you 
would like to check out what PADA does in the area of membership, their website 
address is www.padaweb.org  
     Yes, obviously they are directing collectors to dealers through this 
website.   However I feel as though I am in safe hands as a collector with any 
of their dealers as they have to adhere to a common code of ethics in their 
business practices.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dsonesheets 
  Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [MOPO] What is the real Dip Shit really telling us? Let me 

  There's nothing quite like an individual making a complete ass out of 
himself.  I'm going to keep this email handy, for whenever I need to lift my 
spirits and have a good laugh.  Seriously.  No, Seriously.  This honestly made 
me laugh till I cried.

  It's obvious to anyone with half a brain (which pretty much leaves you out) 
that Grey is saying a lot without really saying anything at all.  As a previous 
poster indicated, he would probably go far in politics.  The fact that Heritage 
isn't doing anything to rebuild customer confidence is exactly the reason why I 
wouldn't consign with them.  They are simply content to not ambrace change, and 
leave their customers to their own devices, trying to make sure that they've 
bought something genuine and not a forgery.  Why is it now the buyer's 
responsibility to make sure they haven't been taken, after an auction has 
concluded, and with NO support from the person who sold you that $50,000 
poster?  Shouldn't we expect someone at Heritage to stand behind the 
memorabilia they sell, rather than just tell us that while authentication is 
nice, they're not going to be doing any of it.  I've spent thousands with 
Heritage in the past.  But the new reality is that auctioneers, dealers, and 
restorationists are going to have to step up and adapt to the new environment.  
Anyone who doesn't is going to lose business.

  I have been discussing the benefits and need for an official, legitimate 
authentication firm/service for years.  I believe that it would not only give 
our hobby much-needed credibility and reduce the growing liabilities, but would 
also bring a sense of professionalism and leadership that has been seriously 
lacking.  Very seriously.  Wouldn't it look a lot better if we took care of our 
own problems instead of now having to engage the FBI?  To give you an 
indication of how bad the situation is, I literally had to resort to my earlier 
"tirade" to see if I could get anyone to even respond, because no one except 
the parties out tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars really cares.  I 
chose my words very specifically, and sent that out very intentionally to see 
if anyone (anyone not directly engaged with the FBI's investigation or civil 
suits) are even really listening and willing to open a dialogue on what we need 
to do going forward to try and prevent these kinds of situations from happening 
again.  Grey is indicating that neither he nor Heritage intend to help 
spearhead any initiatives or engage in any kind of active participation to 
address the current state of affairs.  They don't even want to admit that there 
is a problem at all, indicated by Grey telling us that "a grading and perhaps 
authentification service would be of help BUT I believe up to this time the 
fakes are not difficult to detect."  It's right there for anyone who has eyes 
to read - Heritage truly doesn't believe that an authentication service would 
be of any benefit to their day-to-day operations, likely because it would lower 
their profit margin.  I don't know about you, but I refuse to shell out to 
companies that only have their own best interest in mind, and don't care for 
the sources of their paychecks, their customers.

  As for you, you didn't get my point either, which is very apparent in your 
reply.  I would suggest that someday you look up the definition for the word 
"argument" and make an effort to learn how to engage someone while debating.  
I'll give you a hint; it does not include people saying "fuck" twenty-nine 
times.  That is not an argument, that's embarrassing yourself.

  As for my personal relationship with Grey and Heritage, I've spent thousands 
with them too, and I really do enjoy their color catalogs.  As for my own 
poster collection, I have significant width and breadth in my Japanese 
material, not because I am concerned with having a lot of posters, or a lot of 
money.  It's because I enjoy the artwork and I love everything Japanese.  
Finally, I've been watching a lot of Star Trek, and much like the way people 
used to joke about Bill Gates being a Borg, I did the same with Heritage, and 
it's called humor, which appears to also be beyond your scope of human 

  Now why don't you go to your room, and leave the big thinking to the older 


  On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Ron Moore <cinemaicon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

          So- what is Dip Shit (DS) really telling us? Let me translate... 

          I KNOW fuckin' everything about this fuckin' fake poster and lobby 
card situation and I KNOW that fuckin' Heritage is doing fuck all nothing about 
it because they don't personally answer my fuckin' questions and kiss my 
fuckin' ass! Grey needs to report to me IMMEDIATELY!!! And when he doesn't give 
me the fuckin' answer I like, I'm gonna fuckin' rant on MoPo because I know how 
to say FUCK and I got an excuse now! I KNOW that fuckin' Jaime is guilty- 
because every fuckin' collector that's on MoPo has implied he is-  and I have 
appointed myself judge, jury and executioner! Grey and those fuckin' attorney's 
at Heritage need a fuckin' personal lecture from me on how to conduct business 
and respond to all the fuckin' fuckheads on MoPo that get their panties in a 
wad beccause we all KNOW they ain't doin' nuthin to help us poor, poor, poor 
fuckin' collectors. It's a fuckin' conspiracy!!! And we're all poor, because we 
pay all those God Damn awful fuckin' fees. I KNOW those fuckers at Heritage 
have personally wrecked the US economy with their fuckin' fees and that's why 
we're fuck all poor.  By the way, I'm God's gift to this hobby and I KNOW 

          NEXT- I would rather sell all my fucked up posters through Bruce's 
fuckin' auction because I KNOW I dont' have anything good enough for those 
fuckers at Heritage to take in their auction. That's 'cause I'm a cheap-ass 
fuck and I begrudge anyone that actually publishes a color catalog and wants to 
be paid for their fuckin' services! I sure wish I had a fuckin' formula for 
printing cash!!! SHit! Maybe I can get hold of Kerry for that one. GOD-DAMN!!! 
Whew!!!!! Oh-excuse the fuckin' shit out of me! Wait, I was supposed to stick 
with FUCK!  I got carried away for a minute. 

          I guess FUCK ME!!!!!  

          Did I get that about right?

          Get off MoPo! IF you can't keep the discussion reasonable instead of 
going off on tirades we really don't need it.

          --- On Wed, 10/7/09, dsonesheets <dsoneshe...@gmail.com> wrote:

            From: dsonesheets <dsoneshe...@gmail.com>
            Subject: Re: [MOPO] What is Grey really telling us? Let me 
            Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 5:45 PM

            So business as usual, Grey?  Sure what it sounds like.  No internal 
investigation, not even a temporary halting of using Jaime for your restoration 
EVEN TEMPORARILY until the issue gets settled?  Man, for the amount of money 
you guys make, sure sounds like you're doing jack shit besides being "more 
cautious," which is what we pay those god awful fees for in the first fucking 
place.  Guess when you have a formula for printing your own cash you don't fuck 
with it.

            I would rather sell ALL of my material through Bruce on consignment 
then give a single buck to Heritage.  In the middle of this crisis they're 
doing fuck all, and are just trying to keep their head down and hopefully dodge 
some media bullets, while giving nothing but double-talk.  Weren't they always 
supposed to be "overly cautious", being one of the largest movie memorabilia 
auctioneers in the country?  And his comments in the media like sound like 
something Bull Durham coached him on.  Just want to do what's best for the 
team, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.

            Let me tell you what Grey is REALLY saying: 
            "First, it should be known that I, Grey Smith, took many of the 
bullets from the opening volley of this conflict, and was ready to lay my life 
down for the cause, and I alone have worked to warn and help collectors with 
questions concerning these dastardly deeds.  A grading and authentication (not 
authentification, which isn't even a word) service would definitely be of help 
but we don't really need it and for God's sake we don't want to pay for it, 
because We Are Heritage and want to maximize our profits, not piss them away. 
This is the way we've always done it, and this is the way we'll continue to do 
it.  And since the fakes are so easy to detect, we won't be overly cautious on 
anything but some horror and a little sci-fi, which means we're not going to do 
a lick of work on 98% of the other material out there unless we get caught 
selling some more fraudulent material.  We are Heritage. Your poster and lobby 
card distinctiveness will be added to our own.  Resistance is futile.  End 

            Did I get that about right?

            On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Smith, Grey - 1367 <gre...@ha.com> 

              Sean and all MOPOers

              I am very certain that no individual has in their possession a 
forged poster that came from Heritage. As a matter of fact, I did first 
discover the fact of these fakes when an attempt was made to consign a "forged" 
Dracula title card from a respected horror collector and I promptly not only 
called the consignor but began speaking with horror buyers throughout the 
country that I know, to let them know what was found. I certainly know Sean and 
Jim Gresham will attest to that. I know that Jim G. then sent me cards to look 
over, in which my belief was, they were forgeries.
              I believe I was the first to suggest to certain collectors in 
Columbus that the Frankenstein Title card in another auction may not be 
authentic, though I had not seen it, but knowing that some cards were showing 
up that were forged.
              I have sent clients to John Davis as he began to look into this 
and I thought he was doing a good job, I believe, in verifying the cards.
              Do I wish I had thrown up a red flare to the hobby earlier? 
Perhaps, but the extent of this was not known nor was there much on who may 
have been behind it. I think it was when Jim G. sent me his cards that some of 
us were very surprised. No, I was not sworn to secrecy, as some claim, but have 
worked to warn and help collectors with questions concerning these since first 
              This is a warning to us to look closely in the future. A grading  
and perhaps authentification service would be of help but I believe up to this 
time the fakes are not difficult to detect. Please be assured that Heritage is 
perhaps overly cautious at this stage in dealing primarily with horror and a 
few examples of science fiction titles.

              On Oct 7, 2009, at 1:45 PM, "Sean Linkenback" 
<slinkenb...@comcast.net<mailto:slinkenb...@comcast.net>> wrote:

              Hi Bruce,
              While I am a little busy today, if you have a list of all these 
items Heritage sold that were fake, I will be happy to comb through the 
archives for you.
              I believe that the 3-sheet of Ghost of Frankenstein mentioned in 
the complaint by Jim Gresham was from Heritage, and I see it has been removed 
from their archives.
              I also know Heritage's policy is to not report any sales which 
fell through, and while I would imagine this would include the inadvertent 
selling of fakes perhaps you should address this question to Grey Smith rather 
than me, as I am still not on their (or anyone else's) payroll.


              ----- Original Message -----

              From: Bruce Hershenson<mailto:brucehershen...@gmail.com>
              To: Sean Linkenback<mailto:slinkenb...@comcast.net>
              Cc: <mailto:MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu> 
              Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:51 AM
              Subject: Re: [MOPO] Where to send Universal material to 

              I went to the LAMP site and of course you are correct, and I 
apologize for the error, to LAMP and anyone else who was offended by it.

              I think I was thinking of LAMP not appearing to have anything on 
their site about the Dracula fake being "authenticated" and then withdrawn, or 
is there a link to that as well?

              Sean, since you seem to be an expert on this, can you tell me if 
the Hertiage archives on their site still includes items that proved to be 
fake, and if so, why? Doesn't this distort the apparent rarity of those items?


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            Steve Zammar
            owner, ds|onesheets

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