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I have so many contacts worldwide (literally in the hundreds) that it is becoming necessary for me to thin my inventory out, move a lot of the stunning posters I have been storing so that others may enjoy them, and refocus on the next level of my company's collecting / purchasing.  I am planning multiple trips to Tokyo, Japan, to meet my contacts and establish even more consistent and reliable poster channels for the incredible vintage material that is available.  Even today I am considering approximately twenty new purchases, all material from the early-60's to mid-70's, near mint, and at least half of which are in the preferred and stunning tatekan, or two panel (20"x58") format.

So if you think you might wish to engage me in purchasing posters in bulk lots, please give me a call.  I will be talking with the major auction houses starting tomorrow, so this offer may not last long.

Domo Arigato,

Steve Zammar
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