Movie posters and direct sunlight are a bad combination... but it is mostly 
direct or very brightly-reflected sunlight that does the damage. Therefore what 
you are doing *may* be overkill, depending on where your movie posters are 
located relative to your windows. Obviously, if sunlight is coming directly 
through the window onto the poster for any length of time (say for more than 1 
hour a day...) then you should consider moving the poster to another location. 
Or put up a poster in that location which you like but isn't particularly 
valuable and you won't mind if it fades some over time.

I'm not sure blacking out one's windows is the way to go... unless you don't 
care if you see out of your windows or not. Me, I like windows.

For posters that are illuminated by sunlight that is not hitting them directly, 
there is less cause for concern -- the only time that will cause fading (as far 
as I know and have observed from 40 years of collecting) is if the reflected 
sunlight is very bright (like bouncing off of a white wall) and hitting the 
poster for many hours a day (say 5 hours a day or longer). Otherwise, the 
reflected sunlight shouldn't be any more damaging than that from the light from 
a 75 watt lamp. Posters located in rooms on the north side of your house where 
no direct sunlight gets in at all should be fine. Now, some people will likely 
disagree with that... and some will probably consider even the light from a 75 
watt lamp to be too much, but I think they're obsessing -- I've never seen that 
level of illumination fade a poster... I mean, unless the lamp was sitting a 
few feet in front of the poster and shining directly on it 18 hours a day for 
years and years. 

I'd be interested to see if others have scientific evidence... not just what 
they've heard... to prove me wrong about this.

But, if you're really worried about it, make sure your frames have the 
UV-blocking Plexiglas that Sue provides (but even then I wouldn't put them in 
direct sunlight).

-- JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Yafet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 15:16
Subject: Re: [MOPO] The Next Generation and a question

> Anyone who has seen our framed pieces when they come to our house 
> enjoys seeing them.  And - this was unexpected - most of them are not 
> surprised when they find out what some of them cost.  We don't have 
> that many visitors so the folks who come here tend to appreciate 
> history, anyway.
> This opens up a new thread, but in considering your framed pieces how 
> do all of you protect them from the light?  We have blackout shades and 
> - in some cases - blackout curtains over the blackout shades for 
> complete protection.  But I've talked to other collectors who tell me 
> that what we do is overkill.
> I'd be curious to see what some other people do.
> Nathalie
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