Rich and Zeev:  In my view, you are both correct.  Redgrave's comments, 
however, are rarely placed in their proper context.  Few people knew that she 
had received death threats in 1977-78 because of her work in a documentary 
sympathetic to Palestinians -- and was clearly frightened/rattled when she 
arrived at the Oscars facing pickets, chanting and burning effigies of herself 
-- led by the Jewish Defense League, which at the time was labeled a terrorist 
group by a corrupt FBI.  The press out here focused more on her comments than 
on what she saw that frightened her.  Making matters worse, Redgrave 
reflexively (and errantly) made her controversial remarks in a way that seemed 
to the Academy -- to vindicate her work outside of film.  About four years ago, 
she appeared on Larry King to talk about her career and activism -- and she 
acknowledged her offensive remarks 30 years ago have painted her as 
anti-Semitic, which in view of her work on behalf of oppressed Jews elsewhere, 
was not true.  She further affirmed Israel's right to exist and accepted the 
fact that her remarks that night in 1978, will likely follow her to her death.  
Like Fonda, Redgrave will never be forgiven by all. -d.

Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 18:53:41 -0400
Subject: Re: OT[MOPO] Vanessa Redgrave's controversy at the Oscars-- a link to 
the story

The phrase "Zionist Hoodlums" is very inflamatory to many Jews, even when it is 
followed by compliments to Jews and their achievements.  The mere derogatory 
conotation of "Zionists" in that phrase, is an affront to millions of people 
who are proud to be Zionists.
It is akin to to refering to participants in an Easter Parade as Christian 
zealots. Or worse.
I apologize in advance if I'm taking this subject to places way off topic.  
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Richard Evans 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Vanessa Redgrave's controversy at the Oscars-- a link to 
the story

As Joe said she was specifically referring to the demonstrators, (who burned 
her effigy that night), and did speak in praise of the Jews who died in the 
Holocaust.  So based on that speech, "anti-semite" was and is inaccurate.  Was 
going to say more, but I'll leave it with the observation that the majority of 
celebs publicly support causes that just happen to be far more acceptable.  And 
whether deliberately or not, and however heartfelt, are raising their profiles 
in a context that could potentially benefit their careers.



On 25 Mar 2009, at 18:24, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

she did indeed get blacklisted for a time as an anti semite

At 09:58 AM 3/25/2009, Andrea Kanter wrote:

Hi Joe,
I thought she had been blacklisted, but didn't follow her career.  I also 
thought it was just part of the discussion, and was NOT making a political 
comment.  I was being curious.  IMO, my comment had nothing to do with Toochis' 
remarks, and very rarely do.


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