Hey MoPo'ers,

I wanted to canvas the group to see if anyone has ever had, heard, or dealt 
with any issues related to being able to publish posters and associated 
ephemera before? Even stills?

I feel the precedence has already been set in various books such as the amazing 
Ron Borst "Graven Images" book or "Reel Art"--class act, and innovative, poster 
books. Bruce has also printed a plethora of poster books and I haven't heard of 
any issues from that either.

I know for the project I'm working on the images will need to be checked with 
the Library of Congress (in person as the website isn't 100% accurate) to see 
of there is a registered (or renewed) copyright, but I don't think that has 
been done with any of the posters. And even the stills (which I've had licensed 
though Warner Brothers before) technically were not screen captures of the 
film, shot from a different camera than the film, so should fall into 
promotional use--and "fair use" for publication. 

Will find this out soon enough, but certainly hoping it goes in the favor of 
collectors and archivists and authors in our being able to publish rare 
collections that take years to accrue so others can enjoy the art, and 
actors/artists, depicted.

A special thanks to an LA collector who I met and scanned some rare pieces for 
the book, it will let all of us who love the Marx Brothers see their posters 
and cards in as near complete compendium as possible now--at least until 
everyone's attics are cleared ;)


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