All of the pressbooks came from Hershensons auction of a private collectors pressbook collection... I can't remember the name of the gentlemen but it was someone fairly well known I believe...
I'd like to sell the whole lot to someone... or I can sell items seperately... pretty low priced... just make an offer and it won't likely be refused...
Devil Bats Daughter Large pressbook...
Bela Lugosi Night Monster Large pressbook...
Face of fire Large pressbook
Dead Ringer pressbook bette davis
The Amityville Horror pressbook 
King Dinosaur pressbook
Green Magic pressbook
Land of Fury pressbook
Kiss of the Vampire pressbook
Burn Witch Burn pressbook
Very nice Exorcist Australian Daybill
Jurassic Park Lost World Advance one sheet
Bride of Frankenstein Still... of karloff as frankenstein
Ready for the people complete lobby set
Original Still of Lon Chaney Sr. from While The City Sleeps.. very very nice 40.00
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