I was watchingthe49th episode of SNL and NBC stopped it mid skit several times.

also i have noted my phone co atand t has had numerousissues in last year i was tringtoget my bill lowered and they raiased it thentold me theywould deduct10 ofthe bill ifi did autopay..thenwheni call
ed a woman said i was ineligable\

I personally believe the war goingon is cyberwars with corps geting ransom wared by hackers they freeze the computers andunlock after being paid aa ransom someinthe millions.

thelayman like me are being bambozeled by the hackers forsmall moneu but seniors on fixed incole are being ransacked by the hackers they seem to be in china, russia, India, middle east, and even south america as most companys jobbed out custmer service..my cab dispatchis in SERBIA...

many companys asked us to gopaperless to save treees..yet try togetyour info on past invoices and theywill say it cannot be found everyone is blaming government ,economy..the warning about this was talked aboutina book calleed lights out by news manTED Koppel years ago

as they can getinto the electric gridd Gas and all utilities waterdepratment I was asked to get smart meters thatit would save money... theyare vulnerable as all are on computer contral as weel as phones areon sattilites ,,that can be disrupted.. what to do????

myanswer is to pray andprepare some food, some water and supplie like meds..andthe summer could be justas bad as winter,,,have back up like blankets and thinkifthe grid goes down then what.?? other then food and water as ifthebanks get froze money wont be a answer.. Only kindness andlove will save youand God...and those that are kind....and love others

One store in Toledo is selling ammo ontvand ak47 rifles and you can evenshoota maching gun so i bet everyone is stockpiling e weapons and MRE and preper supplie in anticipationof Armageddon.. so ipray for peace and love and gods will to stop the adness before we all destroy eachother..

dont mean to cause panic or stress but the political climate has got so weird iam notsure whats up withanyone...

so pray for everybodyandhave some contingencyplans in case the hospitats are closed...and its hot or cold and you need to take shelter,, anarcy could really get nuts,,most seem likethey are PTSD and areif anxiety and fear,, Christ said young mens hearts will faikll them and its already in progresss... do somthingto help yourfamily friends and neighbors

God bless
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977

stay safe and live simple. the boy scout moto was "Be prepared" getyour ducks ina row folks

On 2024-05-19 19:44, Scott Burns wrote:
No, not “One-Way Passage…” TCM repeated “Carnival Story”
instead of “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid at 8 pm ET—Carnival Story
had already run at 6 pm. TCM announced on social media that they had
technical difficulties which prevented the “DMDWP” showing. A few
days later another goof occurred when the first half of a movie was
shown out of frame (the top of the image appeared at the bottom of the
screen). I can’t recall the title.

Seems there have been more “technical issues” in the last month
than I’ve EVER seen on TCM.


SENT: Sunday, May 19, 2024 3:43 PM

Alan -

Not sure. Forty Guns is showing complete with wrap-arounds on TCM on
Demand. That's where I saw it. It happened a few weeks ago too. They
didn't show Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaidbut they did air the
Wrap-Arounds back to back then I believe they showed One-Way Passage!

TCM has been getting very sloppy the last year or so.


On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 2:56 PM Alan Heimann <alanheim...@gmail.com>

Last night in double feature discussion with Spielberg they were
supposed to show 40 guns with Stanwyck but mistakenly showed jewel
thief ..wonder technically how that happens ..these are all pre
recorded I would imagine?


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