i just read the archive postings of a few days ago, and it seem that i am not alone. apparently, aol members, like me, can send/post to MOPO and have it posted, but we are not getting any MOPO emails. ----not even the confirmation from MOPO.
3 nice MOPO people have confirmed that they saw my inquiry of a few minutes, ago. THANKS!!!!
i have not adjusted my spam control, but even if i did--------nothing is in my spam folder.
i sent an email to scott...........and will wait. anyone wanting to contact me ((((to tell me you have my ALL ABOUT EVE insert)))) must make sure the email is sent directly yo me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At first, i thought there was the demise of another forum (icollectmovieposters), but, obviously, and happily, that is not the case.
While some may be happy to see me go......................