Judith (if you are receiving either MoPo or Style B messages) --
For several weeks now whenever Movie Poster Bid sends you a message to you at [EMAIL PROTECTED], it bounces back. No explanation is given, so I don't know why. I've tried sending you a message using my pesonal address, but that also bounces.
Perhaps your inbox is full -- or perhaps you have a spam filter that is not allowing messages from MPB to get through? The thing is, it is required that members of MPB have a working address that can receive messages for MPB. This is necessary to send you win notices, outbid notices and general information about the auction site and your membership in it.
If an address keeps bouncing messages, as this one has been doing, at some point I have to suspend the membership of that person until they can provide a working email address. So, please do what you can to correct this situation. If it is the fault of a spam filter, set the spam filter to accept mail any mail from an address that ends in movieposterbid.com, or specifically from these addresses:
Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks!
-- JR
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