hello Folks.... for about 2 years now ive been in the whirlwind od
setbacks.. actually mine started in 2007 when I got a loan on my home
from Leyman Brothers at 8.8 %.. From a broker that bought my house as
a flip// only to do a bait and switch... I had a 874 Fico and money
in the bank and no debt,,, pretty good after emerging from a divorce
in 2000...
But then with the Lehman going bust and the hosuing industry and the
meltdown... well the economy started to slow.. and then by 2010 I was
starting to get very Ill...
I take responcilbilty as Ididnt have health insurance partly as I was
still attempting to get right sided from my divorce.. she recieved
the Paid off home and soI started from scratch...

so anyways ive watched and observed the last few years esp as
Iwondered was I the only goofball?? or was the entire finacial market
well lets take the people that had health insureance a 401K, stocks,
nice homes, incomes , health and they where happliy married..

Ive watched as Normal citizen, losy jobs, became Ill, lostmoney in
the market, and there businesses dropped... Many are scared to
deathand blame . ploitical leaders, the banks, corp america... greed
and a meltdown of world ethics and even the social media...

well... interesting isnt it that many of the predictions of doom and
gloom  are said to be in latter times.. and that the entire world
would crumble.. revelation...and even several societys point toward
this YEAR...2012 the Mayans yet no one knows the day or hour,, if
there is truly climate change, if there is anyhonest leaders, or who
is even running the financial markets,,
whati learned was Ireally know nothing... as its all fed to me by
social media, and news agencys that we know are not known to tell the
facts...like Rupert Murdocks company... yet....everyone seems to
think the Power peopel with money will be the victors,,,
I disagree, as if you look many of the peopel that help the world
come from modest places... I think of watergate, i think of even Oj
simpson, of the many bankers that ran with the lootbut later where
see many good people invested into the schemes just as in the poster
business...and its taken years to get justice and yet it seems like
it happens  in time..
Aman that builds his life on deception has built on sand.... and the
ones that build on Rock will survive..Our maral backbone and familys
are what when I look carried us throughmany hardships.. Not greed,
not unfaithfulness...
so realizing Im just as guilty as those I condemn is how I think we
Its almost impossible for man to correct his ways alone as i see
it... yep we are doomed as no scientist will fix it, no political
leader, no Ceo...It has to come from a universal desire byall peopels
to serve each other for the good of the palnet and the world. which
basically brings us back to all religions and esp God and Jesus who
said Love one another,, if we pray that and seek that it can fix the
whole problem because people will do things in a united effert to
save mankind and share and enjoy life... many already do that... so
it can be done... and many want to.. they are just deceived by the
current model that our society have lived by..... basically the caste
system... I had a test today that touched me... I went througha
mcdonalds drive thru as Occaisionally ill get a coke, a fri and a
burger( even though I dont like meat) and itsall 1.00 food so it
comes to 3.07 I am frugle.. :) so when I gave a dime and a five to
the girl... she handed me back 3.02 a dollar over what she owed me....
as I sat in may cari thought I could keep this 1.00 as no one will
know... and Mcdonalds is a BIGcorporation and that Girl doesnt
care...... so I rolled down the window and said look You gave me 1.00
too much.... she said " Im sorry" I said NO thats ok I just didnt
want your cash draw to be shorted at the end of shift,,,, my point is
I was tempted to keep that 1.00 one because im cheap and two because
the greed in my heart to do it.... even though I proclaim to
understand it.... then I felt like a fool as i wondered what if I
gave her a ten and she kept it would she tell me???? fact is it didnt
matter as by giving back the 1.00 it proved It could be done.... so
im sure many many people do the same everywhere.... small amount but
spiritual builder...
Ok now what if it where 500.00 1,000, 10,00 wheres the threshold of
If the schools taught the meaning and purpose of honor... we coulddo
it also the churches have instilled to many the virtues as also the
US marines...
I was luck to make tenderfoot of the boyscouts.. and i remeber we
were taught to respect elders and to try to help people.... if youth
is to be taught... its not by keilling war games on videos and films
with no redeeming values... and taught that we are all eliteists that
deserve much material things and much pleasures and that somehow if
we just focus on work we can obtain anything...NOPE... we also need
to tell them that a responcibilitie and respect for all mankind... to
elimanate hate, racism, and replace with education, and teach the
poor to function instead of treating them as cattle because they
where never exposed to education or hygiene or any social
we wonder why there is social unrest or that asions and mexicans and 
peoples want to come to us and work and build businesses... yet the
ameriacans that live here dont see theyhad the best of the best and
simple let it go... like the cars and other industrys.... heck my ex
wifes day was a ship captain for Ford and I saw then sell the steel
divion to the japenese then chop up the ships for scrap.... !! he was
there 40 years... the entire fleet GONE... as was the steel
business.. the ironyis the Japenese have come here and bought new
plants to make steel in the USA - go figure..
anyways... we can turn much around if we return to quality values and
serving our country and our family, friends and fellow citizens...and
most ofall seeking guidence From God..

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