Ok just in cas the world ends.. I have one last thing to say.... TRUE

 I was pulling in the post office parking lot,, in my van the 1989
arestart that Adam west Sat in and has had the worlds most movie posters
in it..

well I am sitting  in the van wwhen a car rear ends me.. BAM..!   i
think oh no... as I was parked..

then again BAM....and then it stopped..  so I get out to inspect the
damadge and talk to the other driver..

I was thinking what kind of idiot would hit me twice and not even say i
am sorry...

well folks..   I was rear ended.  ( I swear to God) ...this is true-
By a  senior citizen,,( old as the hills) - black, -woman,- Midget (
were talkin minature size)!!!! please... i dont mean to offend,,
but how often does this combo happen.. ( i am sorry)   if she would have
been  in a muslim  costume i may have fainted.. she wasnt, it was more
like a 60s tina turner outfit retro shindig

yes when she opened the door out pops a E.T. size old black  lady Midget
with sunglasses that looked

like James BRown on a bad day....

so what did i do or say to  the hellion on wheels???,, I was
speechless!!!,  ........ NOTHING... and what did she say?

NOTHING!!!!!   she just waddled  past  aside me  in her arrogant
noncareing way  like I was a GHOST! can U believe IT?

so i just got in my Van and left!     moral of the story...???   beware
of the little people!!

they have BIG attitude problems..

 If this was someones Mom, granny, or relative... well... get her a damn
pillow so she can see where shes Goin!!
because te next guy might not take it so nice!

thanks, Tom

Ok well thats all I had left to say.

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