OK...i am haveinga kodak moment

I was supposed to geta new roof on my house today..the roofer called and said we are putting on hold as we wre finishing another house..OK

so the phone rings..and my mortgage lendeer at 8 am has me on phone asking me ifi want a home equity loan on my home/...I just gavetheguy a ranton debt that i dont like it as i survived a chap13 bankruptcy in 1993 I told the young man who is my son's age that my grandmother told me if you can't afford it don't buy anything I learned a great lesson by going bankrupt by getting a divorce and lots of other things that using credit cards and installments I'm glad it's a bad move I paid off all my credit cards and I'm debt-free I use credit cards as tools to pay my overhead and they are paid off in full each month I don't carry any and what happens is you keep building up more and more credit because the banks can see that you're good at managing your money and that you pay your debts You also build credibility with the credit reporting agencies even if you pay your light bill and your gas bill you show a track record of your credibility I have even paid my bills while I've been deathly ill in the hospital which is a feat in itself I also know how to get into debt

I bought two cars in brand new in 1989 Ford Aerostar van and a Ford ranger pick up truck also I bought furniture televisions computers your name and I bought advertising and various things so I know how to miss manage money also and I agreed with my ex-wife to take to cross country vacations all the way to California and all the way down to Florida to New Orleans and back again in Arizona where her dad lived I think we spent 40 or $50,000 alone on vacations to go to those destinations with the intentions that it would save the marriage not only did it not save the marriage but it ran up close to $100,000 in debt between the house the cars and the vacations and other extreme miss spending so my other beef today was that I kept getting messages on Facebook from scammers when they see you write something positive to thank a celebrity they delusional with messages offering free items and tell you to miss direct you to another site to scam you because they see you as a soft hit if you show compassion for your fellow human beings so today Paul McCartney started sending me direct messages and I told the person who are who is ever pretending to be Paul McCartney why would you write me? Play Paul McCartney said well I've seen all the positive post you made about me and I like to talk to my fans now Paul McCartney definitely does not need Tom Martin's advice or help or acknowledgments so I told the scammer why don't you do something to help other people Arnold Schwarzenegger's new book is called be useful believe it or not they also scammed me on Arnolds Facebook page after I told him keep up the good work and told him I hope his book had good sales next thing I know somebody said you won an iPhone and a book which I told them donate it to Arnolds cause after school all stars to help the kids then another post came and said I won $3000 again I told them donate it to Arnolds after school all stars I would be a liar if I didn't tell you that the negativity of these people makes me very sad because they are all looking to take a vantage of the week and elderly and people that are fans of celebrities and good So then we have the news of Palestine and Israel and that's just plain insane because there are good Palestinians and there are disruptors in every field of the world that's the problem right now whether the politics the auto workers medical industry or anything people are so full of anger and hate they are taking it out on each other and hurting innocent people I finally decided the best dancer was put it in God's hands because he can see all this crazy stuff and if anybody would take the time to research the Bible it was told this would all happen that even the most elect would be deceived during the end times so I'm not surprised it's happening like clockwork it's just keep blaming God on the heirs of mankind blaming computers and technology in the computers were made by who God I don't think so they were made by man and man is the one who polluted the Earth and who causes war and who kills people and who is takes a vantage of the week in the elderly and children and those of weak spirit but I will tell you this I believe there is a supernatural God who is watching over all of us and when the time is right will correct all the millenniums of hate and anger and deception that we have caused pain and suffering on each other if you agree simply in your quiet space pray to God that all of us be forgiven for our mistakes and that his will be done- amen !
end of rant
God bless you all _peace and Love. stop the hate stop war
Hollywood dream factory®
since 1977


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