
Someone on another forum, about Film Noir, was looking for an image of the poster for

 Escape from Devil's Island (1935) *

A few replied with links to a slightly different film, from 1973 but that was not the one he wanted.

I'm afraid I told him about MOPO and of the people who hang about here and offered to repeat the request here.

So.. can anyone help this guy with a decent looking jpeg?

Obviously the first thing I was hop over to Bruce's but unless I can't find it its not listed on his site.

Can it be that 'rare'? For a 1935 movie it would seem that these are still about, be it in digital form of some sort. He did mention that IMDB doesn't have one so that seems to support the rarity issue.
I take it Moviegoods still supplies the IMDB with material?


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