Hi Mopo and Bruce.... sorry ive been quiet so long on Mopo.. since Feb 2010 I have been on a Interesting life journey.... But I decided today would be the day I woud tell you some thoughts as I feel inspired to..

Bruce asks is there somthing in Poster askew? Or people in General, the world...? answer _ YES -Bigtime

I believe there is a final battle of all that we ever where taught about life in full swing in the now..

1st let me back up.... Feb 17th I went for a eye exam.. as my son and ex offered to buy me glasses as I had low funds and had been complaining about eyesight... cut to doctors office,, the nurse came in and preped me by checking my eyes.. and grabbed a tissuee and started weeping... I said whats that about... next seen the Doctor comes in and says sir you dont need glasses you need a retinologist you are going blind from diabetes.. Your eyes are leaking and bleeding... great!! I had no health insureance.... Cut to.. I had applied for a Home loan modification as im paying 8.8 on a 113.K laon so like 1090.00 on a house tats worth about 63K and was told initially I would get lower payment... last august I wa told to miss a payment so I would be elegible for the Obabma Plan by the lender.. I reluctanly did so.. and after trial payments and being told it was in procsss they denied me in May and said I needed to have like 9,459.00 by June 1st or I would get a credit hit and be possibly in default and forclosure proceedings...

Back to doc... so I had not had diabetic treatment since 2005 as I trued to do by diet and excercise.... My sugar was at 12.5 and also they found I ha a low thyroid... coupled I was a walking zombie and had no idea i was so sick since 2005.. I just thought I was getting older nd slowing down, that I was depressed over a woman and stress and finacial and low sales.. and that I was just Old... Im 53... fact was I was depressed Plus I was dieing slowly.... So the Doc..( I receieved help from a Group tahat helps people with no insurance,, It was very humbleing and I told them I would pay before as I could.. and it was hard as many doc wont give meds unles you pay a office call.. it can be like 300 after meds and then they just give you like 60 days supply...

However the doctor I have is from Nigeria and just a great doctor that really wants to help people.. so he said well yo should be on insulin as you are off the charts... see stress agravates diabettes.. and losing a home.. have low sales losing the woman and all that tend to be stressfull.

also,, I lost my faith in Love.. and also God.... that will realy screw a person up and send you in orbit.... so I was ready to say someone just shoot me please... Blind, Broke, and depressed what a wonderful life eh???

But about that time when I was at wits end.. it was like it came clear to me... it was like God said... you have suffered so you may understand those that are suffering.... and I felt honored.... it was like I know how blindeness feels.. even though Im not complete blind.. the Docs treat me with lazers so it stopped the bleeding and slowly i have regained some eyesight.... man do i appreciate seeing anything... You wouldnt believe how it feels to see a Movie.. as before it was a blurrr... and I make items that take focus,, I learned to adapt and use loupes and spy glasses to see stuff..... and i learned to use humor to laugh at myself how silly my life has been...

But also it made me see how short life can be ad how we never know if we may lose all.... I commented on my facebook last night about a healing barn for Horses... in Milbury Ohio,, they have liek 30 horses... well last night a Major tornado hit teh small town and leveled tons of homes and I fear may have leveled the Horse santuary.. I had planned to go there today.... the point... all these things seem to me... the oild pipeline , the finacial circumstances and all world issues are liek a sign that something big is at work... there have ben earthquakes and destruction like Ive never seen in 54 years..... and the mood of people seems that we are all tired of being deceived.. The banks from what I gather are allowing people to handg themselves by soothing them and baiting that they will get arrears roolled into loans that never happen then when they get behind they do a foreclosuer and then sell the home to cash investors at firesale, take a writeoff and end the loss.. the people are on the streets.. If you gogle I read countless storie of what they did to me the same story... I was so sick I didnt know if I heard stuff wrond as they double talk and tell you VERbal things then say you didnt hear it and what proof do you have... its same MO with all these peopel and I dont even know them..

DSo I have no idea how I can help these folks except I want to help the oppressed and the victims of this and thats my hope and my purpose.... I have found facebook to be a greta platform to meet many people and network... I was able to get some giigs by a miracle and paid my house Current in one month!!! I had to use much of my resources and the idea was to get a lower more affordable payment not have to make a 10 k in one month payment... But the gretest part is even with thes things,,,, My belief in Love is restored as it is only by Love we get anything good in this life and also my faith In God is restored even though I keep getting doubt,, I have seen that just as it can go very bad.. the miracles of God outweigh all the negative in teh universe.. So I think all religions know that the time is very near for a correction of this planet and all peoples. and it will be by Love and all the prayer s ofall that Yoke and belive in Love and fairness and to elp thier suffering Brothers and sisters as we are all DNA of the same kind... the ones being led to slaughter in the banking industry remind me of Nazis as people are allowing thier neighbotrs to be led away and ignoring whats happening.. the governement is being lied to by the lenders in mhumble opinion.....Perhaps they will change thier watys however it seems that since beginning of time its been brother agaist brother... But I believe we will all bond and see the answer soon so God bless You all and I dont plan to give up hope and will try to help others any way I can.. thanks and best wishes I made a peice of art that summerizes a thought about things like the lotto as I tryed that.. as we hope we can get a miracle fix... but I think the miracle fix is when god enlightens Us by allowing our hearts to have commpassion and forgivness to our adversarys.. I pray also for them as it must be a terrible life to harm people
just for money and things....
Ok thansk, Tom

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